Gastroenterology Products

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Balloons: Dilation and Extraction (3)

Band Ligator (1)

Bariatric Endoscopy (2)

  • OverStitch NXT™ NeXT Generation Single-Channel Endoscopic Suturing System

    The OverStitch NXT™ Endoscopic Suturing System enables physicians to perform endoscopic bariatric procedures to facilitate weight loss and may enable physicians to manage complications in therapeutic gastroenterology interventions, and may provide patients with endoscopic treatment options in place of traditional surgery.

  • OverStitch™ Endoscopic Suturing System

    The OverStitch™ Endoscopic Suturing System enables advanced endoluminal surgery using a flexible endoscope. This allows you to place durable, full-thickness sutures offering your patients stable constructs through a minimally invasive option. With the ability to customize suture patterns, OverStitch™ enables you to lead the way for new and enhanced treatment options for a wide range of bariatric and gastrointestinal procedures.

Clips (3)

  • Resolution™ Clip

    The radiopaque Resolution Clip is designed for hemostasis, endoscopic marking, closure and anchoring of jejunal feeding tubes. It is also CE-marked for prophylactic clipping to reduce the risk of delayed bleeding post lesion resection.

  • Resolution 360™ ULTRA Clip

    The Resolution 360 Platform now offers standard and wide jaw clips designed to your clinical needs.

  • Resolution 360™ Clip

    Resolution 360 Clip builds on the strong clinical and economic track record established by Resolution Clip. The Resolution 360 Clip has controlled clip placement and 1:1 rotation designed to enable faster and more accurate placement.

Cytology Brushes (1)

Direct Visualization Systems and Accessories (2)

  • SpyGlass™ DS Direct Visualization System

    Our Purpose is Clear
    The SpyGlass™ DS System enables direct visualization of the pancreatic and bile ducts, is used to evaluate suspected benign and malignant conditions, and is used for the treatment of difficult stones and strictures.

  • SpyGlass™ Discover Digital Catheter

    The SpyGlass Discover System was adapted from the latest SpyGlass™ DS II technology, to enable surgeons to perform intra-operative:

    • CBD stone clearance, including trans-cystic lithotripsy, during LCBDE
    • Visual and biopsy-guided mapping of cancer margins during resection of cholangiocarcinoma or MD-IPMN
    • Visualization and therapeutic treatment via percutaneous access

EUS Needles (6)

Endoscopic Closure (2)

  • X-Tack™ Endoscopic HeliX Tacking System

    X-tack™ allows for suture-based, deep submucosal and intramuscular enhanced fixation through a standard gastroscope or colonoscope. Designed specifically for applications in the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract, X-Tack™ delivers precision to your defect closures.

  • MANTIS™ Clip

    MANTIS Clip (abbreviated as MANTIS) is purpose-built for closing large defects¹ in the GI tract. With proprietary TruGrip™ anchor prongs, MANTIS is designed to deliver tissue span and apposition capabilities, enabling a novel approach to closing defects less than 3 centimeters.2,3

Enteral Stents (2)

  • WallFlex™ Duodenal Stent

    WallFlex™ Duodenal Stent

    Indicated for the palliative treatment of gastroduodenal obstructions produced by malignant neoplasms.

    WallFlex™ Duodenal Soft Stent

    New 9F sized Delivery System for use in a 3.2mm channel scope. Bench tests demonstrate that WallFlex Soft Enteral has lower radial force than current WallFlex Enteral.1

  • WallFlex™ Colonic Stents

    WallFlex™ Colonic Stent

    Designed to offer the ultimate combination of delivery system access and stent construction to expand options available for patient treatment and management of colonic strictures caused by malignant neoplasms.

    WallFlex™ Colonic Soft Stent

    New 9F sized Delivery System for use in a 3.2mm channel scope. Bench tests demonstrate that WallFlex Soft Enteral has lower radial force than current WallFlex Enteral.1

Forceps (1)

  • Single-Use Radial Jaw™ 4 Biopsy Forceps

    Our biopsy forceps include sizes from Standard Capacity to Jumbo to Large Capacity, providing options based on physician preference. Hot, Pediatric, and Multibite™ Forceps options can be found in our catalog.

Gastrointestinal Stents (3)

  • Ultraflex™ Esophageal NG Stent System

    The Ultraflex Esophageal Stent System maintains luminal patency in esophageal strictures caused by intrinsic or extrinsic malignant tumors. The covered stent can also be used for occlusion of concurrent esophageal fistula.

  • Agile™ Esophageal Fully & Partially Covered Stent System

    The Agile Esophageal Stent System, featuring a through-the-scope delivery system, is intended for:
    • Fully Covered RMV: Maintaining esophageal luminal patency in esophageal strictures caused by intrinsic and/or extrinsic malignant tumors, occlusion of concurrent esophageal fistulas and treating refractory benign esophageal strictures.
    • Partially Covered: Maintaining esophageal luminal patency in esophageal strictures caused by intrinsic and/or extrinsic malignant tumours, and occlusion of concurrent esophageal fistulas.

  • WallFlex™ Esophageal Stents (including Benign Indication)

    Boston Scientific stent technology is built on science and innovation to expand options available for patient treatment and management.

Guidewires (5)

  • Dreamwire™ High Performance Guidewire

    The Dreamwire High Performance Guidewire has a 10cm hydrophilic Dream Tip™ End, designed for soft, smooth access. Its Endo-Glide™ Coating promotes smoooth tracking and enhances tactile sensation.

  • Hydra Jagwire™ High Performance Guidewire

    The Hydra Jagwire Guidewire offers two tips on a single guidewire - a 10cm and a 5cm hydrophilic tip - giving physicians the ability to work with one or both. The 10cm hydrophilic Dream Tip™ End is designed for soft, smooth access. Its Endo-Glide™ Coating promotes smooth tracking and enhances tactile sensation. 5cm tip similar in performance to the Jagwire™ Guidewire.

  • NovaGold™ High Performance Guidewire

    The NovaGold High Performance Guidewire is an .018” guidewire that provides a Triton™ Alloy Core for durability and a radiopaque tip for visibility.

  • NaviPro™ Hydrophilic Guidewire

    The NaviPro Hydrophilic Guidewire is a 100 percent hydrophilic guidewire designed for cannulation and smooth passage through tortuous anatomy.

  • Jagwire™ Revolution High Performance Guidewire

    The Jagwire Revolution High Performance Guidewire is a versatile .025” guidewire engineered to have the stiffness and pushability that you would expect in our Jagwire .035’’ guidewire combined with both access and exchange characteristics to help improve cannulation success in challenging anatomy.

Hemostasis Needle (1)

  • Interject™ Injection Therapy Needle Catheter

    The Interject™ Injection Therapy Needle Catheters are designed to provide access for injection therapy applications and may also be used for polypectomy and endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR).

Hepatopancreatobiliary Stents (2)

Infection Prevention (5)

  • CinchPad™ Endoscope Transport Pad

    CinchPad Endoscope Transport Pad is designed to provide leak-proof containment to reduce biohazard risks and complies with society guidelines for endoscope transport.

  • HedgeHog™ Endoscope Cleaning Brushes

    A variety of cleaning brush options are available to provide endoscope channel cleaning according to customer needs.

  • EndoGlide™ Lubricant

    EndoGlide lubricating jelly was specifically formulated by gastroenterologists for endoscopy.

  • Blox™ Bite Blocks

    Blox Bite Blocks are available in a variety of sizes to accommodate patient and clinical needs.

  • OrcaTM Valves

    Orca single use valves are a new product designed to minimize the risk of infection transmission and to improve efficiencies by eliminating the need for cleaning and tracking, offering single use benefits with the same feel and performance as re-usable valves.

Locking Devices (1)

  • AutoCap™ RX Integrated Biopsy Cap and Guidewire Locking Device

    The AutoCap™ RX is intended to facilitate physician-controlled placement of a guidewire and device exchanges during ERCP procedures. It is designed to provide a simple, secure attachment to the scope, minimize leakage of biomaterial, and maintain insufflation.

Lumen-apposing metal stent (LAMS) (1)

  • Hot AXIOS™ Stent and Electrocautery-Enhanced Delivery System

    The Hot AXIOS Stent and Electrocautery- Enhanced Delivery System indicated for use to facilitate transgastric or transduodenal endoscopic drainage of:
    • a pancreatic pseudocyst or a walled-off necrosis with ≥ 70% fluid content
    • gallbladder in patients with acute cholecystitis who are at high risk or unsuitable for surgery
    • the bile duct after failed ERCP in patients with biliary obstruction due to a malignant stricture

Probes (1)

RF Ablation (1)

  • Habib™ EndoHPB Bipolar Radiofrequency Catheter

    The Habib™ EndoHPB Catheter is the first Radio Frequency (RF) ablation catheter indicated in Europe for malignant or benign tissue ablation in the pancreatic and biliary tract.

    When surgery is not an option for patients with difficult-to-treat cancers, the Habib™ EndoHPB Catheter enables you to perform:
    • Partial or complete ablation of malignant or benign tissue in the pancreatic and biliary tracts.
    • Endoscopic biliary drainage or decompression prior to stent placement or afterwards to clear an occluded stent.

    Endoscopic biliary RF ablation with the HabibTM EndoHPB Catheter may provide prolonged stent patency. One study has shown prolonged metallic biliary stent patency by an average of 13% (from 8.4 months to 9.5 months)1 in patients with unresectable extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.

Retrieval Devices (3)

  • RescueNet™ Retrieval Net

    The RescueNet Device is specifically designed for optimal visibility, control and strength for quick and efficient foreign body removal.

  • Rescue™ Retrieval Devices

    The Rescue Retrieval Devices are specifically designed for optimal maneuverability and grasping power.

  • TrapEase™ Polyp Traps

    Designed for safe specimen handling, easy and convenient removal of polyps and to help prevent loss of polyps during suction.

Single-Use Imaging (2)

  • EXALT™ Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope
    Generation 3

    This always available duodenoscope eliminates the risk of patient-to-patient infection due to ineffective reprocessing — while also eliminating or reducing reprocessing costs — with an out of the box, consistent performance physicians expect in a duodenoscope.

  • SpyGlass™ DS Direct Visualization System

    The SpyGlass™ DS System enables direct visualization of the pancreatic and bile ducts, is used to evaluate suspected benign and malignant conditions, and is used for the treatment of difficult stones and strictures.

Snares (7)

  • Single-Use Snares

    Boston Scientific offers a wide-range of Single-Use Snares of various loop sizes, shape configurations and stiffnesses, including Captivator™, Captivator II, Captivator™ COLD, Captiflex™, Rotatable, Profile™ and Sensation™ Snares.

  • Captivator™ II Single-Use Snare

    The Captivator II Snares are the first line of stiff and rounded snares, with hot and cold snaring indications. A variety of size options help manage different polyp types.

  • Sensation™ Single-Use Short Throw Snares

    The Sensation Short Throw Snare has a short throw handle that is designed for nurse and technician comfort.

  • Captivator™ Single-Use Snares

    The Captivator Single-Use Snares are designed in oval, crescent and hexagonal shapes to accommodate a wide range of functions, which include the removal of polyps and tissues from within the GI tract.

  • Rotatable Single-Use Polypectomy Snare

    Rotatable snare is designed to provide 360 degree rotation to help access difficult polyps.

  • Captivator™ COLD Single-use Snare

    The Captivator™ COLD Single-use Snare is optimized for cold snare polypectomy and designed for the effective resection of flat lesions and diminutive polyps.

  • Captiflex™ Single-Use Snares

    The Captiflex Snare incorporates a braided wire design engineered to produce a flexible snare.

Sphincterotomes (5)

  • Autotome™ RX Cannulating Sphincterotome

    The Autotome RX Cannulating Sphincterotome provides controlled steerability for positioning to facilitate sphincterotomy. *

  • Dreamtome™ RX Cannulating Sphincterotome

    Dreamwire has long and short-wire devices, the Dreamtome RX Cannulating Sphincterotome is preloaded with a Dreamwire™ High Performance Guidewire to help save procedure preparation time.

  • Hydratome™ RX Cannulating Sphincterotome

    The Hydratome RX Cannulating Sphincterotome is a both long and short-wire device preloaded with a Hydra Jagwire™ High Performance Guidewire to help save procedure preparation time.

  • Jagtome™ RX Cannulating Sphincterotome

    The Jagtome RX Cannulating Sphincterotome is a short-wire device preloaded with a Jagwire™ High Performance Guidewire to help save procedure preparation time.

  • Autotome™ Pro RX Cannulating Sphincterotome

    Autotome Pro RX is built upon the RX platform and leverages the proven features of the Autotome RX Cannulating Sphincterotome. In support of a successful ERCP procedure, new and enhanced features include a blue insulated cut wire and an optimized C-channel.*

Stents: Gastrointestinal (2)

  • WallFlex™ Duodenal Stent

    WallFlex™ Duodenal Stent

    Indicated for the palliative treatment of gastroduodenal obstructions produced by malignant neoplasms.

    WallFlex™ Duodenal Soft Stent

    New 9F sized Delivery System for use in a 3.2mm channel scope. Bench tests demonstrate that WallFlex Soft Enteral has lower radial force than current WallFlex Enteral.1

  • Hot AXIOS™ Stent and Electrocautery-Enhanced Delivery System

    The Hot AXIOS Stent and Electrocautery- Enhanced Delivery System indicated for use to facilitate transgastric or transduodenal endoscopic drainage of:
    • a pancreatic pseudocyst or a walled-off necrosis with ≥ 70% fluid content
    • gallbladder in patients with acute cholecystitis who are at high risk or unsuitable for surgery
    • the bile duct after failed ERCP in patients with biliary obstruction due to a malignant stricture
