Pulmonology Products
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Accessories (1)
Cellebrity™ Cytology Brushes
Single-Use DeviceThe Cellebrity Cytology Brush
is indicated for acquiring tissue samples used for the diagnosis
of suspected pathology in the
airway tree.
Baskets (1)
Zero Tip™ Airway Retrieval Basket
The Zero Tip Airway Retrieval Basket is indicated to be used to endoscopically remove foreign bodies in the airway.
Bronchial Thermoplasty (1)
The Alair™ Bronchial Thermoplasty System
Bronchial Thermoplasty (BT), delivered by the Alair™ System, is a safe outpatient procedure for adult patients with severe asthma.
Cytology Brushes (1)
Cellebrity™ Single-Use Cytology Brush
The Cellebrity Cytology Brush is indicated for acquiring tissue samples used for the diagnosis of suspected pathology in the airway tree.
EUS Needles (3)
eXcelon™ Transbronchial Aspiration Needle
The eXcelon Transbronchial Aspiration Needle is intended for use in aspiration in carinal, paratracheal, and hilar lesions of the bronchial tree where biopsy forceps cannot obtain a submucosal sample.
Acquire™ Pulmonary Endobronchial Ultrasound Fine Needle Biopsy Device
The Acquire Pulmonary EBUS-FNB Device is designed to be used with EBUS scopes for fine needle biopsy (FNB) of submucosal and extramural lesions of the tracheobronchial tree and the gastrointestinal tract.
Expect™ Pulmonary Endobronchial Ultrasound Transbronchial Aspiration Needle
The Expect Pulmonary EBUS-TBNA Needle is designed to be used with endobronchial ultrasound bronchoscopes for ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration of the submucosal and extramural lesions of the tracheobronchial tree and the gastrointestinal tract.
Forceps (2)
CoreDx™ Pulmonary Mini-Forceps
For intranodal histologic sample collection—a complementary tool for EBUS procedures
Radial Jaw™ 4 Pulmonary Single-Use Biopsy Forceps
The Radial Jaw 4 Pulmonary Biopsy Forceps are intended to collect tissue endoscopically for histologic examination, featuring a surgical stainless steel jaw with improved micromesh teeth for a clean bite.
Single-Use Imaging (1)
EXALT™ Model B Single-use Bronchoscope
The airway endoscopy standard of care has evolved with the introduction of Boston Scientific’s new EXALT Model B single-use Bronchoscope. The single-use bronchoscope was specifically designed and optimized for bedside procedures and features suction capabilities and the familiar feel found in reusable models – all combined with the peace-of-mind offered by a sterile single-use device.
Stents: Pulmonary (1)
Ultraflex™ Tracheobronchial Stent System
The Ultraflex Tracheobronchial Stent System is indicated for use in the treatment of tracheobronchial strictures produced by malignant neoplasms. It is available in various models: covered/non-covered, sterile/non-sterile, and distal or proximal release.