Heart Failure
We’re dedicated to developing heart failure innovations that may help with early detection of worsening heart failure, enhance clinical efficiencies and improve patients’ lives. From devices powered by the industry’s longest battery life1-9 to a heart failure diagnostic that helps you triage your patients, explore our pioneering technologies that give you the power to do things that once seemed out of reach.

Giannetto’s CRT-D can remotely monitor his heart failure condition
Watch how his lifestyle has improved thanks to HeartLogic, Heart Failure Diagnostic.

Insights That Keep You a Beat Ahead
HeartLogic is the only FDA-approved heart failure diagnostic that combines data from multiple sensors into one composite index and can help you predict signs of worsening heart failure weeks in advance. Making it your recommendation could make a big difference in the lives of your patients.

Insights That Keep You a Beat Ahead
HeartLogic is the only FDA-approved heart failure diagnostic that combines data from multiple sensors into one composite index and can help you predict signs of worsening heart failure weeks in advance. Making it your recommendation could make a big difference in the lives of your patients.

Heart Failure Management Products
Discover our portfolio of products designed to help you diagnose and treat heart failure, including automatic remote monitoring technologies and the longest lasting CRT-Ds in the world.

Device Longevity
CRT-Ds powered with EnduraLife™ Battery Technology are labeled for up to 13.3 years, even when MultiSite Pacing is turned on and let you remotely monitor patients without compromising longevity.11

Boston Scientific devices with ImageReady™ MR Conditional Systems allow your heart failure patients to safely undergo 1.5T or 3T full-body MRI scans.12
We're Here To Help

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