Electrophysiology Products

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Access Device: Sheath (3)
DIREX™ Steerable Sheath
The DIREX™ Steerable Sheath is a low profile, bidirectional steerable sheath that provides agility and stability through excellent catheter access and support.
TSX™ Transseptal Delivery System
TSX™ Transseptal Delivery System: Designed to enhance tactile and visual feedback.
ZURPAZ™ 8.5F Steerable Sheath
We took your feedback and designed the new ZURPAZ 8.5F Steerable Sheath to not only meet, but exceed, your expectations for catheter delivery.
Accessories (1)
PERIVAC™ Pericardiocentesis Kits
The Boston Scientific PERIVAC™ Kit is a pre-assembled kit that provides the essentials for pericardial drainage procedures.
CRT-D (5)
DYNAGEN™ X4 Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Defibrillator (CRT-D)
DYNAGEN X4 features 17 pacing vectors and EnduraLifeTM Battery Technology.
INOGEN™ X4 Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Defibrillator (CRT-D)
INOGEN X4 features 17 pacing vectors and EnduraLifeTM Battery Technology.
VIGILANT™ X4 CRT-D Powered by EnduraLife™ Battery Technology
Model G247The VIGILANT™ X4 CRT-D features EnduraLife™ Battery Technology and SmartCRT™ Technology, in addition to the HeartLogic™ Heart Failure Diagnostic and ImageReady™ MR-Conditional technology to help manage patient comorbidities.
MOMENTUM™ X4 CRT-D and MOMENTUM CRT-D Powered by EnduraLife™ Battery Technology
Models G138, G124, G125, G126The MOMENTUMTM X4 CRT-D features SmartCRTTM Technology, an intelligent way to optimize where, when and how to pace. This, coupled with the HeartLogicTM Heart Failure Diagnostic, ImageReadyTM MR-Conditional and EnduraLifeTM Battery Technology means MOMENTUM offers an extraordinary, holistic approach to cardiac care.
RESONATE™ X4 CRT-D Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Defibrillator
Model G547 and Model G447Innovative technology, powerful insights.
Comprehensive, novel technology in our RESONATE CRT-Ds helps physicians to identify heart failure early, restore chronotrophic competence, and improve CRT response in most patients. And they are fueled by the longest-lasting battery technology available, substantially reducing major complications and costs associated with battery replacement.1
In addition, comprehensive shock features to prevent sudden cardiac death are available today and for the future.
CRT-P (3)
VISIONIST™ and VALITUDE™ Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Pacemakers (CRT-P)
Boston Scientific's most advanced CRT-Ps are now MR-conditional. VISIONIST X4 and VALITUDE X4 models can be used as part of the ImageReady™ MR-Conditional Pacing System for safe and effective scanning in 1.5T and 3T MRI environments when MRI Conditions of Use are met.1
INTUA™ Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Pacemaker (CRT-P)
Intervention Made Intelligent
The INTUA CRT-P is an advanced system that offers the ability to reposition leads electronically and to monitor respiration, weight, blood pressure and diagnostics. -
INVIVE™ Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Pacemaker (CRT-P)
Provides Inside Knowledge
The INVIVE CRT-P offers enhanced features and diagnostics that enable you to effectively manage heart failure patients.
Capital Equipment: Diagnostic (2)
iLAB™ featuring ULTRA ICE™ PLUS Ultrasound Imaging System and Ultrasound Imaging Catheter
iLAB™ Ultrasound Imaging System and ULTRA ICE™ PLUS Ultrasound Imaging Catheter for Intracardiac Imaging
ICE provides the combination of real-time imaging and soft tissue visualization that cannot be duplicated by fluoroscopy, pre-operative imaging (CT or MR), or electroanatomic mapping. Not only can you identify anatomical structures, you can visualize where devices are relative to those structures. -
LABSYSTEM™ PRO EP Recording System
When it comes to EP recording, nothing performs like a PRO...The LABSYSTEM™ Pro EP Recording System. Our powerful, performance-driven software is now available with new features that deliver increased flexibility for data review and export. Why settle for anything less?
Capital Equipment: Mapping & Navigation (2)
OPAL HDx Mapping System
OPAL HDx provides integrated mapping for both RF and pulsed field ablation procedures while giving enhanced access to the transformational capabilities of the FARAPULSE™ Pulsed Field Ablation System. Offering a complete range of mapping solutions, OPAL HDx allows you to choose the treatment modality that best meets your case needs.
Localized Measure. Deeper Insights. Critical Feedback.
Available exclusively on the OPAL HDx™ Mapping System, DIRECTSENSE™ Technology features a unique local impedance measure that reveals powerful insights into tissue resistivity and subsurface heating.
Capital Equipment: Therapy (3)
METRIQ™ Pump Cardiac Ablation System
The MAESTRO 4000™ Cardiac Ablation System and METRIQ Pump empower Irrigated Ablation Procedures. This system combines comprehensive, real time diagnostic information with a simple intelligent user interface to maximize procedure success.
MAESTRO 4000™ Cardiac Ablation System
The MAESTRO 4000 Cardiac Ablation System and METRIQ™ Pump empowers open-irrigated ablation procedures. This system combines comprehensive, real time diagnostic intelligent user interface to maximize procedure success.
INTELLAGEN™ Cardiac Ablation System
With an updated interface and enhanced features, the INTELLAGEN™ Cardiac Ablation System modernizes the EP lab. The intelligent way to ablate - for use with all Boston Scientific RF Ablation Catheters.
Cardiac Monitors (2)
LUX-Dx II™/II+™ ICM Systems*
LUX-Dx II+™ ICM System provides clear signal quality, meaningful alerts, efficient workflows, and seamless patient connectivity.
LUX-Dx™ ICM System
It’s Time for an ICM Like No Other
The LUX-Dx ICM System puts you in control like never before with a dual-stage algorithm that is capable of rejecting false positives and remote programming technology that lets you make critical adjustments without bringing patients into the clinic for another appointment.
Catheters: Ablation (17)
BLAZER PRIME™ Temperature Ablation Catheter
Intuitively engineered construction combined with our trusted BLAZER™ Catheter platform provides an ablation catheter designed to function as a physical extension of your hand. Manipulation of the handle translates predictably into movement of the catheter tip. Control and durability provide procedural confidence.
BLAZER™ II Temperature Ablation Catheter Family
Exceptional Clinical Results
BLAZER™ Open Irrigated Temperature Ablation Catheter
The BLAZER Open Irrigated Catheter, with its Total Tip Cooling™ design, provides an elegant cooling platform with the robust handling capabilities of the historical BLAZER platform to provide performance and efficacy.
INTELLANAV™ XP & INTELLANAV MIFI™ XP Temperature Ablation Catheter Family
The INTELLANAV™ XP and INTELLANAV MIFI™ XP catheters encompass the proven performance of the BLAZER™ XP platform and the unparalleled clarity of MiFi technology in our magnetically tracked ablation catheters. These catheters unlock the magnetic tracking performance of the OPAL HDx™ Mapping System, enabling increased accuracy, clarity, and performance.1
The INTELLANAV™ OPEN-IRRIGATED catheter encompasses the elegant Total Tip Cooling™ design and the familiarity and proven performance of the Blazer platform, now enhanced with INTELLANAV magnetic tracking technology for cool performance and confident navigation in OPAL HDx™ Mapping System procedures.
INTELLATIP MIFI™ XP Temperature Ablation Catheter
The INTELLATIP MIFI XP, with MicroFidelity (MiFi) sensor technology, introduces a new generation of high-resolution ablation catheters. INTELLATIP MIFI XP technology, only from Boston Scientific, is engineered to deliver highly localized electrical information of unparalleled clarity to allow you to see the critical information you need in real-time.
The INTELLATIP MIFI™ OI Ablation Catheter combines Boston Scientific’s proprietary MicroFidelity (MiFi) mini-electrode sensor technology for Unparalleled Clarity with our open-irrigated Total Tip Cooling™ design for Cool Performance.
The INTELLANAV MIFI™ Open-Irrigated Catheter brings together our proprietary mini-electrode technology with the elegant Total Tip Cooling™ design and the INTELLANAV magnetic tracking for unparalleled clarity, cool performance and confident navigation in OPAL HDx™ Mapping System procedures.
INTELLANAV™ ST Ablation Catheter
Combining the proven performance of the BLAZER™ platform with a navigation-enabled 4 mm tip, the INTELLANAV™ ST Ablation Catheter offers smaller, more precise ablation for increased accuracy, efficiency and performance in OPAL HDx™ Mapping System procedures.
FARAPULSE™ Pulsed Field Ablation System
FARAPULSE™ Pulsed Field Ablation System, the world's clinical leader in PFA used in 200,000+ patients, is transforming treatment for atrial fibrillation by:
- Selectively ablating myocardium to reduce risk of damage to surrounding tissue
- Delivering durable transmural pulmonary vein (PV) lesions to limit redo procedures for PV triggers
- Adapting to variable patient PV anatomy for reproducible procedures and limiting left atrium (LA) dwell time
- Creating workflow efficiencies to simplify the procedure and shorten the learning curve
- Visualizing workflow with integrated mapping and a magnetically-tracked catheter
POLARx™ Cryoablation System
The right fit for AF cryoablation
Engineered to enhance capabilities in pulmonary vein (PV) occlusion and ablation delivery, the POLARx™ Cryoablation System, featuring the dual-diameter POLARx™ FIT cryoballoon catheter, redefines what's possible in cardiac cryoablation. -
INTELLANAV STABLEPOINT™ Ablation Catheter, enabled with DIRECTSENSE™ Technology, combines the power of contact force and local impedance to give you dynamic insights at and below the cardiac tissue surface. Unlike any other technology, this integrated solution enables you to diagnose, ablate, and validate with more critical information than ever before.
Catheters: Diagnostic (9)
BLAZER™ DX-20 Bidirectional Duodecapolar Diagnostic Catheter
Intuitively engineered construction combined with our trusted BLAZER Catheter platform provide a diagnostic catheter designed to function as a physical extension of your hand. Manipulation of the handle translates predictably into movement of the catheter tip. Control and durability provide the confidence of precise tip placement.
POLARIS X™ Steerable Diagnostic Catheters
Intuitive handling with precise maneuverability. The POLARIS X™ Catheter is designed to provide accurate, sharp electrograms from the left atrium when positioned in the coronary sinus.
WOVEN™ Fixed Curve Diagnostic Catheter
Diagnostic performance without compromises. The WOVEN™ Diagnostic Catheter's reliability, durable construction and clinical versatility have contributed to its popularity, making it among the most trusted catheters ever introduced.
WOVENFLEXIE™ Fixed Curve Diagnostic Catheter
The softness you want, the stability you need. The WOVENFLEXIE™ Diagnostic Catheter has the same features and functions that have made WOVEN™ catheters a favorite among electrophysiologists. The WOVENFLEXIE™ catheter was introduced in response to physician requests for a softer tip to complement its exceptional stability.
VIKING™/VIKING™ Soft Tip Fixed Curve Diagnostic Catheters
Featuring proprietary STABILENE™ polymer for added softness and stability. The VIKING™ Soft Tip was introduced to give physicians an even greater choice for enhanced stability and signal quality.
DYNAMIC XT™ Steerable Diagnostic Catheter
The most widely used steerable catheter for the coronary sinus.1 Smooth, precise positioning with unparalleled tip control.
DYNAMIC TIP™ Steerable Diagnostic Catheter
Advanced steerability right at your fingertips. DYNAMIC TIP™ Steerable Catheter lets you instantly curve and torque in one easy movement.
EP XT™ Steerable Diagnostic Catheter
Built on the trusted DYNAMIC XT™ platform with a modified handle for versatility. Provides smooth, precise control of tip for reliable positioning.
EPstar Fixed Electrophysiology Catheters
EPstar Fixed Electrophysiology Catheters are complex diagnostic mapping solutions designed to enable enhanced diagnostic precision for coronary sinus mapping.
Catheters: Mapping (1)
INTELLAMAP ORION™ Mapping Catheter
Designed to work with the OPAL HDx™ Mapping System, the INTELLAMAP ORION™ Mapping Catheter brings unprecedented resolution and accuracy to mapping procedures.
Defibrillators (ICD) (8)
DYNAGEN™ MINI ICD The world’s smallest and thinnest ICD.1
Boston Scientific provides devices tailored to individual needs. Up to 20% smaller and 24% thinner than some ICDs on the market,2 the MINI offers all the power of a Boston Scientific ICD in a device that is the industry’s sleekest and designed for patient comfort.
INOGEN™ MINI ICD The world’s smallest and thinnest ICD.1
Boston Scientific provides devices tailored to individual needs. Up to 20% smaller and 24% thinner than some other ICDs on the market,2 the MINI offers all the power of a Boston Scientific ICD in a device that is the industry’s sleekest and designed for patient comfort.
EMBLEM™ MRI S-ICD System Subcutaneous Implantable Defibrillator
The Only Device of its Kind
The EMBLEM MRI S-ICD is the only subcutaneous implantable defibrillator system that provides protection from both sudden cardiac death and the risks and complications associated with transvenous leads.
MOMENTUM™ EL (Extended Longevity ICD) Powered by EnduraLife™ Battery Technology
Models D120 and D121The MOMENTUMTM EL (Extended Longevity) ICD offers an extraordinary, holistic approach to cardiac care. In addition to the HeartLogicTM Heart Failure Diagnostic and ImageReadyTM MR-Conditional technology, MOMENTUM EL features EnduraLifeTM Battery Technology which provides the clinical freedom to make programming decisions without worrying about the battery.
PERCIVA™ ICD Models D400, D401, D412, D413
The PERCIVATM ICD is the industry's smallest ICD and features exclusive technologies such as HeartLogicTM Heart Failure Diagnostic and an ImageReadyTM MR-Conditional system.
RESONATE™ EL ICD Powered by EnduraLife™ Battery Technology
Models D432 and D433The RESONATETM EL (Extended Longevity) ICD offers an extraordinary, holistic approach to cardiac care. In addition to the HeartLogicTM Heart Failure Diagnostic and ImageReadyTM MR-Conditional technology, RESONATE EL features EnduraLifeTM Battery Technology which provides the clinical freedom to make programming decisions without worrying about the battery.
VIGILANT™ EL ICD Powered by EnduraLife™ Battery Technology
Models D232 and D233The VIGILANTTM EL (Extended Longevity) ICD features EnduraLifeTM Battery Technology in addition to the HeartLogicTM Heart Failure Diagnostic and ImageReadyTM MR-Conditional technology to help manage patient comorbidities.
RESONATE™ HF ICD Powered by EnduraLife™ Battery Technology
Model D532, D533Our most comprehensive technology for implantable heart failure management, RESONATE™ HF, features the only physiologic sensor proven to restore chronotropic competence1 by adjusting patient heart rate according to changes in movement and respiration. Equipped with a suite of industry-leading HF technologies (RightRate™ and HeartLogic™) plus Boston Scientific's exclusive EnduraLife™ Battery Technology, RESONATE HF ICD provides physicians with an unprecedented level of insight, power and control.
LATITUDE™ Remote Patient Management Solutions And Diagnostic Monitoring (7)
LATITUDE™ NXT Remote Patient Management System
Automatic and Daily Monitoring Improves Outcomes
As implanted device patients are living longer and the amount of available patient and device data keeps growing larger, remote monitoring has become the standard of care.1 The LATITUDE NXT Remote Patient Management System lets you monitor your patients’ device data between scheduled appointments for improved efficiency and better patient care. -
ZOOM® LATITUDE™ Programming System Model 3120
Go Beyond the Wand™
The ZOOM LATITUDE Programming System, Model 3120 is a portable cardiac rhythm management (CRM) programming system designed to help you interrogate, monitor and program Boston Scientific implantable pulse generators (IPGs). -
LATITUDE Consult™ System
Fast Device Checks. Efficient Patient Care.
The LATITUDE Consult System gives your team the ability to quickly conduct pacemaker and defibrillator device checks. One analysis found that 90% of the time there was no need for a device expert to be there in person.1 -
LATITUDE Link™ Data Management System
Seamless Data Integration
The days of having to print reports from a Boston Scientific cardiac rhythm management programmer, then scan and upload them to a patient’s chart are over! LATITUDE Link simplifies this workflow by enabling seamless transfer of programmer data and reports to an electronic medical record (EMR) system. -
MyLATITUDE™ Patient App
Intuitive Meets Informed
Designed with input from clinicians and patients, the MyLATITUDE Patient App is designed to improve compliance to remote monitoring by notifying the patient if their LATITUDETM NXT Communicator is not connected and guiding them on how to reconnect. The app allows you to focus on essential clinical care by enabling patients to independently obtain answers to commonly asked questions about remote monitoring and implanted devices. -
LATITUDE™ Programming System Model 3300
Patient Care. Clinical Convenience.
The LATITUDE Programming System, Model 3300 is a portable cardiac rhythm management (CRM) programming system designed to allow health care providers to interrogate, monitor and program Boston Scientific implantable pulse generators (IPGs).
Leads (5)
INGEVITY MRI Pacing Leads are passive models that can be used as part of the IMAGEREADY™ MR-Conditional Pacing System for safe and effective scanning in 1.5T and 3T MRI environments when MRI Conditions of Use are met.1
ACUITY™ X4 Quadripolar LV Leads
New Solutions.
Meaningful Outcomes.
ACUITY™ X4 Quadripolar LV leads are the first and only LV leads uniquely designed to promote non-apical pacing options, helping physicians to pace from an optimal site for improved CRT response. -
RELIANCE 4-FRONT™ Pace/Sense and Defibrillation Lead
RELIANCE 4-FRONT is built on the RELIANCE™ platform, leveraging our 25-year legacy of the industry's most reliable ICD leads. Experience the difference in lead handling and performance with enhancements inspired by physicians.
INGEVITY+ pacing leads are 6F (2.0 mm) steroid-eluting, endocardial/interventricular septal pace/sense leads intended for chronic right atrium and/or right ventricle or left bundle branch area application.
The SSPC or Site Selective Pacing Catheter family are single-use percutaneous catheters intended to introduce various types of catheters and pacing or defibrillator leads.
The SSPC Catheters have been used in human clinical cases since 2019, increasing substantially in the last few years. Over 20,000 SSPC Catheters have been shipped for use in the USA since 2019.
Left Atrial Appendage Closure (4)
WATCHMAN FLX™ Left Atrial Appendage Closure Device
WATCHMAN FLX is FDA APPROVED for use in nonvalvular atrial fibrillation patients who are eligible for anticoagulation therapy.
Built on the most studied and implanted LAAC device in the world, WATCHMAN FLX is designed to advance procedural performance and safety while expanding the treatable patient population. -
WATCHMAN FXD Curve™ Access System
WATCHMAN FXD CURVE™ ACCESS SYSTEM is designed for the WATCHMAN FLX™ LAAC Device, bringing smoother deployment and successful placement to the delivery of the most studied and implanted LAAC device in the world.
WATCHMAN FLX™ Pro Left Atrial Appendage Closure Device
WATCHMAN FLX Pro is FDA approved for use in nonvalvular atrial fibrillation patients who are eligible for anticoagulation therapy. Built on the most studied and implanted LAAC device in the world, WATCHMAN FLX Pro is designed to enhance the healing process and optimize the therapy for more patients.
WATCHMAN TruSteer™ Access System
Designed to improve implant success, the WATCHMAN TruSteer™ Access System optimizes coaxial device positioning in the widest range of LAA anatomies.
Pacemakers (4)
ACCOLADE™ and ESSENTIO™ Pacemakers
ACCOLADE and ESSENTIO offer RightRateTM Respiration-Based Pacing and Automatic Daily Monitoring to improve patient compliance.
INGENIO™ and ADVANTIO™ Pacemakers
The INGENIO and ADVANTIO pacemakers from Boston Scientific define a new era in pacing. Both leverage key aspects of our innovative high-voltage platform and incorporate new features, therapies and diagnostic options.
VITALIO™ Pacemaker
VITALIO lets the heart take the lead, intervening only when appropriate. With features including respiration-based pacing for rate response, wireless connectivity and automaticity in both chambers – the VITALIO pacemaker lets your patients get back to what’s important in life.
Boston Scientific's most advanced pacemakers are now MR-conditional. ACCOLADE MRI and ESSENTIO MRI models can be used as part of the ImageReady™ MR-Conditional Pacing System for safe and effective scanning in 1.5T and 3T MRI environments when MRI Conditions of Use are met.1