Critical Care

Innovative technology for critical care procedures

When it comes to critical care, timing is vital. You must act swiftly and efficiently—with the right tools in hand—to perform life-saving procedures on patients in need. We’re dedicated to developing innovative products and solutions optimized for the ICU, designed for intensivists, and built for power, precision, and ease-of-use.

Hand in purple medical glove holding EXALT Model B Single-Use Bronchoscope.

ICUs shifting to single-use bronchoscopes for bedside procedures

New article examines why disposable bronchoscopes are being adopted by health care organizations.

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Comparing single-use bronchoscopes

See how EXALT™ Model B single-use bronchoscope performs in a head-to-head comparison with other scopes.

Model B delivers superior suction across all scope sizes¹—outperforming tested disposable bronchoscopes and making it ideal for a range of critical care endoscopic procedures. Clinicians prefer Model B’s ease of navigation² while leveraging best-in-class visualization and next-level ergonomics.

Hear perspectives on single-use bronchoscopy applications

female doctor in white coat

Part 1: Single-use bronchoscopy in anesthesia practice

Kimberly S. Robbins, M.D., examines difficult airway management and lung Isolation techniques.

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male doctor in suit and tie

Part 2: Single-use bronchoscopy in the ICU

Fariborz Rezai, M.D., FCCP FCCM demonstrates the usage of single-use bronchoscopy in secretion management, MDRO and difficult airways.

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1 Data on file – Boston Scientific benchtop study testing 15 units each of 9 single-use scope models, and 1 each of 4 reusable scope models (each tested 15 times with a new suction valve) under constant pressure for 30 seconds testing two different viscosity substances. The volume of substance suctioned via the bronchoscope was the primary outcome. One-way ANOVA was used to test statistical significance between scopes with an alpha of 0.05. Bench test results may not necessarily be indicative of clinical performance.

2 In simulated use evaluations, 15 physicians evaluated EXALT Model B and rated navigation as “clinically preferred” over other commercially available single-use bronchoscopes.

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All images owned by Boston Scientific.
CAUTION: U.S. Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.