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Remote Patient Management System

A Physician and Patient Discussing LATITUDE NXT
LATITUDE NXT Remote Patient Monitoring System
MyLATITUDE™ Patient App with device and mobile phone
A physician and patient discussing LATITUDE NXT

Automatic and Daily Monitoring Improves Outcomes
As implanted device patients are living longer and the amount of available patient and device data keeps growing larger, remote monitoring has become the standard of care.1 The LATITUDE NXT Remote Patient Management System lets you monitor your patients’ device data between scheduled appointments for improved efficiency and better patient care.

Key Resources

Product Details

The LATITUDE NXT Remote Patient Management System combines a Communicator and secure website to help you monitor your cardiac device patients remotely via wireless interrogations.

LATITUDE NXT supports HeartLogic™ Heart Failure Diagnostic—the first FDA-approved personalized, remote heart failure diagnostic and monitoring solution in an implantable device. Using multiple, novel physiologic sensors with high sensitivity and low-alert burden, it’s validated to provide weeks of advance notice for detecting early signs of worsening heart failure.2


The LATITUDE NXT website gives you secure, convenient access to your patients’ device and cardiac health information. Designed for flexibility, the site enables a variety of workflows that give you greater control over when and how you receive and review alerts and scheduled remote follow-ups.


The LATITUDE NXT Communicator is easy for patients to set up and use at home, and offers automatic daily monitoring for Boston Scientific transvenous ICDs, CRT-Ds, CRT-Ps and pacemakers.

  • Features a sleek design and intuitive graphic interface that is easy to use
  • Conducts automatic and wireless alert checks and scheduled remote follow-ups, as well as configurable patient-initiated interrogations
  • Sends critical cardiac health and device information to our secure data management system
  • Offers multiple connectivity options, including internet, cellular and landline
  • If configured on, EMBLEM™ S-ICD patients are prompted to perform wireless interrogations once per week in addition to scheduled remote follow-ups
MyLATITUDE™ Patient App

MyLATITUDE™ Patient App

The MyLATITUDE Patient App is an easy-to-use app that delivers information and education designed to improve compliance and provide peace of mind. Using the app, patients can independently obtain answers to common questions about their LATITUDE NXT Communicator and Boston Scientific implanted device, allowing you to focus on essential clinical care.

  • Presents patients with information about their remote monitoring status, scheduled remote follow-ups, and implanted device battery
  • Notifies the patient if their Remote Monitoring System is not working and provides setup and troubleshooting help for the LATITUDE NXT Communicator
  • Features a simple, intuitive design
  • Works with all Boston Scientific devices followed on LATITUDE NXT

Ordering Information

Find ordering information for devices that are compatible with LATITUDE NXT.

Clinical Information

In the PREDICt RM study, a retrospective analysis of nearly 40,000 patients from the Boston Scientific ALTITUDE Registry and the NCDR® ICD Registry™, use of remote monitoring was associated with improved outcomes among patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillators.3


Tools and Resources

Clinical Outcomes

Clinical Outcomes

See the data showing increased survival and decreased hospitalization rates for patients monitored remotely via LATITUDE.



Discover how a variety of customizable workflows and patient organization options may benefit your practice and patients.

Product Portfolio

Product Portfolio

See how our complete portfolio of cardiac patient management solutions helps improve efficiencies and patient outcomes.
