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Pericardiocentesis Kits

Perviac Kit
PERIVAC Kit with bag and clip
8.3 Fr Pigtail Catheter with sideholes

The Boston Scientific PERIVAC™ Kit is a pre-assembled kit that provides the essentials for pericardial drainage procedures.

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Product Details

Organized for Safety and Speed

  • These pre-assembled kits provide the essentials for pericardial drainage/aspirations, all in a single tray.
  • Features an 8.3 French Straight or Pigtail Drainage Catheter with side holes to promote effective drainage rate.
  • 1000cc drainage bag eliminates need to change receptacles and facilitates measurement of collected fluid.

Ordering Information

M004 PERIVAC1P 0PERIVAC Kit with 8.3F Pigtail Catheter1 Kit per box
M004 PERIVAC1S 0PERIVAC Kit with 8.3F Straight Catheter1 Kit per box
M004 400 1Spare 1000cc Drainage Bag (individually sterilized)3 Units per box
Boston Scientific is a distributor of the PERIVAC kit, manufactured by Merit Medical.


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