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Models D400, D401, D412, D413


The PERCIVATM ICD is the industry's smallest ICD and features exclusive technologies such as HeartLogicTM Heart Failure Diagnostic and an ImageReadyTM MR-Conditional system.

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Product Details

Heart logic
ImageReady MR-Conditional Systems

Your patients can safely undergo Full Body MRI scans with ImageReady MR-Conditional Systems.†

Discover ImageReady

*Boehmer JP, Hariharan R, Devecchi FG, et al. A Multisensor algorithm predicts heart failure events in patients with implanted devices: resultsfrom the MultiSENSE study. JACC Heart Fail. 2017 Mar;5(3):216-25.

†When conditions of use are met.

Mechanical Specifications

ModelTypeSize (cm)
(W x H x D)
Connector Type
D400VR5.23 x 7.14 x 0.9961.928.5RV: IS-1/DF-1NoC1722
D401DR5.23 x 7.14 x 0.9962.328.5RA: IS-1; RV: IS-1/DF–1NoC1721
D412VR5.23 x 6.71 x 0.9960.026.5RV: DF4YesC1722
D413DR5.23 x 7.03 x 0.9962.528.0RA: IS-1; RV: DF4YesC1721

Longevity Information

The following tables represent example pulse generator life expectancy estimation (implant to explant) as provided in product labeling. For specific programmable parameter ranges, refer to product labeling at, or contact Boston Scientific technical services or your local representative.

Projected Longevitya
Type Pacing Amplitude Pacing 500Ω with
700Ω with LATITUDE™b 900Ω with LATITUDE™b 700Ω no LATITUDE™, RS, or HFSSc
Typical programmed setting VR 2.5 V 15% 8.0 8.0 8.1 9.1
Maximum labeled longevity VR 2.0 V / Off 0% 8.2 8.2 8.2 9.3
Typical programmed setting DR 2.5 V 15% 7.2 7.3 7.3 8.1
Maximum labeled longevity DR 2.0 V 0% 7.5 7.5 7.6 8.5
  • Assumes 70 PPM LRL; DDDR mode; 0.4 ms Pulse Width (RA, RV); sensors On, Heart Failure Sensor Suite On.
  • Projected longevity is calculated assuming 2 maximum energy charging cycles per year, including automatic capacitor re-forms and therapeutic shocks. These calculations also assume 3-channel EGM Onset is on and that the pulse generator spends 3 months in Storage mode during shipping and storage.

a. Assumes ZIP telemetry use for 2 hours at implant and for 40 minutes annually for in-clinic follow-up checks.

b. Assumes standard use of the LATITUDE™ Communicator as follows: Daily Device Check on, quarterly scheduled remote follow ups, and other typical interrogations.

c. Assumes LATITUDE™ Communicator is not used, Respiratory Sensor is Off, and Heart Failure Sensor Suite is Off.

Additional Longevity Information

  • Boston Scientific devices have corporate warranties at 5 years in available geographies. Warranty information available at
  • Devices use Li/MnO2 chemistry.
  • The Usable Battery Capacity is 1.0 Amp-hours (typical implant to battery capacity depleted).
  • Shelf life is 2 years (before use by).

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