Safety and Efficacy

Safety and Efficacy of the S-ICD System : S-ICD shock efficacy

Almost 2 decades of clinical data have consistently demonstrated high overall shock efficacy and spontaneous conversion rates for the S-ICD.

First and final shock efficacy in EFFORTLESS Registry1

Safety and Efficacy of the S-ICD System
S-ICD has been shown to safely convert spontaneous arrhythmias. Data from the EFFORTLESS registry shows overall final shock efficacy of 98%, after 5 years of follow up.1

Spontaneous conversion efficacy in the ATLAS trial2

 Spontaneous conversion efficacy in the ATLAS trial2
More recently, the ATLAS trial also demonstrated, the conversion efficacy of over 99%, at 6 months, for S-ICD2



Evidence from Four Randomized Studies

The high spontaneous conversion efficacy for S-ICD, demonstrated in over 4,000 patients across  4 randomized studies, is comparable to TV-ICD:1,3-9
Safety and Efficacy of the S-ICD System



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