
Single-Use Digital Flexible Ureteroscope


In February 2018 The Journal of Endourology published a study comparing the environmental impact of single-use flexible ureteroscopes (LithoVue™; Boston Scientific) with reusable flexible ureteroscopes (Olympus Flexible Video Ureteroscope; URV-F). 
The study shows that the two different ureteroscopes have comparable environmental impacts: the total carbon footprint of each device evaluated compares favourably with other medical equipment and surgical procedures.

In October 2017 The Journal of Endourology published a study assessing the ‘‘body mass index’’ (BMI) (weight and length) of 12 flexible ureteroscopes (digital and fiber optic) along with the light cables and camera heads, to make the best use of our instruments.

The study shows that newer more versatile digital endoscopes were lighter than their traditional fiber optic counterparts in their entirety, with disposable endoscope having a clear advantage over other reusable ureteroscopes.

In September 2017, The Journal of Endourology published micro-costing analysis demonstrates comparable costs for LithoVue versus reusable flexible ureteroscopy use.
In June 2017, The American Journal of Infection Control published a study evaluating the effectiveness of sterilization for flexible ureteroscopes.
In June 2016, The Journal of Endourology published Comparison of New Single-Use Digital Flexible Ureteroscope Versus Nondisposable Fiber Optic and Digital Ureteroscope in a Cadaveric Model.
In October 2015 at the World Congress of Endourology, we presented the LithoVue™ System Single-Use Digital Flexible Ureteroscope. You can access WCE abstracts about LithoVue and other endourology advancements online.

Performance of a novel single-use disposable flexible ureteroscope in a live porcine model.

Presentation by Dr. Brian Eisner at the 33rd World Congress of Endourology & SWL, October 2015




