Radial Jaw™ 4 Pulmonary

Single-Use Biopsy Forceps

Radial Jaw™ 4 Pulmonary - Single-Use Biopsy Forceps
Streamlined catheter designed to provide enhanced passability through tortuous anatomy

The Radial Jaw 4 Pulmonary Biopsy Forceps are intended to collect tissue endoscopically for histologic examination, featuring a surgical stainless steel jaw with improved micromesh teeth for a clean bite.

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Product Details

Surgical Stainless Steel Jaw with Improved Micromesh Teeth
Designed to provide tissue specimens for excellent sample handling and preparation
Clean, precise bite for accurate histological diagnosis

Streamlined Catheter
Provides enhanced passability through tortuous anatomy
Offers the right balance of columnar strength and flexibility for excellent pushability and control during scope passage

Product Brochure ›

Ordering Information

Radial Jaw 4 Pulmonary Single-Use Biopsy Forceps
Radial Jaw Biopsy Schematic
GTINOrder NumberDescriptionDifferentiatorJaw O.D. (mm)Working Length (cm)Min. Working Channel (mm)Packaging
08714729792864M00515181Single Use Biopsy ForcepsPulmonary Standard Capacity1.81002.0Box 5
08714729799337M00515182Single Use Biopsy ForcepsPulmonary Standard Capacity1.81002.0Box 20
08714729792871M00515191Single Use Biopsy ForcepsPulmonary Standard Capacity w/ Needle
1.81002.0Box 5
08714729818083M00515192Single Use Biopsy ForcepsPulmonary Standard Capacity w/ Needle
1.81002.0Box 20
08714729793281M00515201Single Use Biopsy ForcepsPulmonary Large Capacity2.21002.8Box 5
08714729818076M00515202Single Use Biopsy ForcepsPulmonary Large Capacity2.21002.8Box 20


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