Polymer is a key component of a DES platform. The purpose of polymer is to be a reservoir for drug and to provide programmed drug delivery. Even though polymer has no function after drug release is complete, it can still impact the late safety and efficacy of the device. And even the very best permanent polymers, whether it's XIENCE/PROMUS/PVDF, Integrity Resolute, BioLinx, have still been incriminated in inflammation, neoatherosclerosis, and thrombosis risk. With SYNERGY, polymer absorption equals drug release. These two processes are in parallel as shown, and they're 90 percent complete within 90 days, leaving behind an endoluminal mural depo of Everolimus that extends beyond the time course of polymer resorption. Polymer distribution can affect the time course and extent of endothelial coverage. On the right side of the slide is abluminal only distribution, on the outside of the strut, as we have with SYNERGY. On the left side of the slide is a conformal surrounding the strut distribution as we see with PROMUS and XIENCE. At 21 days in cell assay, the extent of endothelial coverage is better with abluminal only distribution. And the function, the maturation of these endothelial cells as reflected by VE Cadherin staining is better as well. With SYNERGY, once polymers resorb, you're left with bare metal platinum chrome. This experiment compares bare metal platinum chrome on the left with platinum chrome covered by the best in class permanent PVDF polymer on the right. And what you see is that the time course and extent of endothelial coverage to the function and maturation of endothelial cells, both at 7 and 14 days, is significantly better with bare metal platinum chrome. Although we think of this best in class, permanent PVDF polymer as being thromboresistant, both platelet adhesion and activation were significantly less with bare metal platinum chrome. All of these factors, whether it's thin metal strut, thin polymer, low polymer load, rapid polymer resorption or the drug Everolimus combine to facilitate and expedite healing so that in this cumulative SYNERGY OCT experience summarized on this slide, within 2 to 3 months of stent deployment, you've got over 90 percent strut and stent coverage.