Healthcare professionals / Gastroenterology / HabibTM EndoHPB Bipolar Radiofrequency Catheter / Ampullary Ablation

Ampullary Ablation

Clinical Challenge

  • Endobiliary dysplasia may persist in 30%, post papillectomy1
  • Surgery has been standard management consideration,radiofrequency ablation may offer an additional treatment option

Clinical Goal

Treatment option following papillectomy

Literature Highlights

Prospective, multi-center study has shown1

  • Residual neoplasia at 6mo and 12 mo. of 15% and 30%
  • No major adverse events
    • 15% mild pancreatitis
    • 5% cholangitis
    • 10% mild biliary stricture
  • Another study6showed mean number of ablations sessions of 1 per patient (range 1-5). Those with high-grade dysplasiareceived a mean of 2.6 + 1.5 (p=0.011)2,3,4
Disclaimer: Results from different clinical investigations are not directly comparable. Information provided for educational purposes only.
  1. Camus, Efficacy and safety of endobiliary radiofrequency ablation for the eradication of residual neoplasia after endoscopic papillectomy: a multicenter prospective study, GIE Journal ,vol 88, No3, 2018
  2. Studies are limited due to small patient sample sizes and uncontrolled study designs
  3. RFA should be used selectively in patients for whom treatment of an intraductal lesion is appropriate, other endoscopic modalities are likely to be insufficient, and the main treatment alternative is pancreaticoduodenectomy."
  4. Close monitoring of these patients remains warranted considering the risks of local recurrence and progression

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