EXALTTM Model D case studies
EXALT Model D is the world’s first single-use duodenoscope for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) procedures to be used across all ASGE complexity grades. Watch the case footage below to see how EXALT Model D offers maneuverability, stability and control in a wide variety of ERCP procedures.

Want to learn more about how EXALT Model D performs on procedures across all ASGE complexity grades?
Case study library
Model D Case Study Complex Stricture, Liver Transplant Dr. Liu
Dr. Quin Liu of Cedars Sinai Medical Center uses EXALT Model D to perform an ERCP with stent exchange for a patient with history of liver transplant and resulting ischemic strictures. Model D was selected due to the patient’s history of antibiotic resistant bacteremia.
EXALT Model D Case Hilar Stricture Stent Placement Dr. Varadarajulu
Dr. Shyam Varadarajulu presents biliary stent placement case for hilar stricture using EXALT Model D.
Endoscopic Procedure with a Single-Use Duodenoscope During Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer
Dr Prasun Shah of Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Hospital in Shenandoah, Texas, shares a case using EXALT Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope in a COVID-19 positive patient who was treated for her metastatic pancreatic cancer.
Dr. Thaker Presents Case Footage using EXALT Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope
Dr. Adarsh Thaker, Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, shares case footage of two ERCP procedures demonstrating the control and maneuverability of the EXALT Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope. The first case shows scope passage into the duodenum of a patient in the prone position and the second case demonstrates how EXALT Model D maneuvers in difficult or angulated strictures.
Minor papilla cannulation using single-use duodenoscope
Dr. Shyam Varadarajulu of Orlando Hospital uses EXALT Model D to cannulate the dorsal pancreatic duct and places a stent to treat a 63-year-old female patient with recurrent acute pancreatitis.
Single-operator cholangioscopy-guided biopsies using single-use duodenoscope
Dr. Shyam Varadarajulu uses EXALT Model D and the SpyGlass™ DS Direct Visualization System during an ERCP procedure on a 48-year-old woman to diagnose cholangiocarcinoma in a biliary stricture.
Case usage of EXALT Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope
Dr. Adarsh Thaker, Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, presents case footage demonstrating scope passage into the duodenum of a patient in the prone position. EXALT Model D is then used on a second patient with multi-focal biliary obstruction.
Challenging bile duct cannulation
Dr. Shyam Varadarajulu presents case footage using EXALT Model D for a biliary stent replacement in an 85-year-old woman with cholangiocarcinoma and obstructive jaundice.
Retained common bile duct stent and stone impaction
Dr. Frizzell shares the case of an ERCP procedure using the EXALT Model D Single-Use Duodenoscope with SpyGlass™ DS Direct Visualization in an 86-year-old woman with a history of extended spectrum beta-lactamases Escherichia coli cholangitis due to a retained common bile duct (CBD) stent.
Palliative Management of a Complex Biliary Stricture with a Single-Use Duodenoscope
Richard Seidel, M.D. demonstrates that the EXALT™ Model D Duodenoscope can be used safely and effectively forcomplicated biliary procedures in immunocompromised patients.
EXALT™ Model D
Single-Use Duodenoscope
delivers robust stability, maneuverability
and control in ERCP procedures.
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