Traveling internationally with your Communicator
Before traveling abroad with your device, use the lookup tool below to determine if your Communicator can be used in other countries. The results in the tool are based on the information submitted and are recommendations only. The recommendations are not intended to provide medical guidance.
On-the-go with LATITUDE™
The LATITUDE system can easily be used while you’re away from home. Consult your healthcare provider before traveling to ensure safety precautions are followed. Before you leave, refer to the “Confirming successful operation” section in the LATITUDE patient manual.

Switch settings
For travel with a telephone line (landline), the Communicator switches on the bottom of the Communicator must be set to the destination country. Refer to how to set configuration switches for LATITUDE™ NXT Wave.
For travel with cellular adapters
We cannot guarantee coverage in all areas of a country you may be traveling. The Communicator switches need to stay set for the patient’s home country (the country it was prescribed in).
If additional information is needed, please contact:
LATITUDE patient services: (866) 484-3268
LATITUDE customer support (for clinicians/representatives): (800) 227-3422
For travel with internet adapters:
We cannot guarantee connectivity in all areas of a country you may be traveling. The Communicator switches need to stay set for the patient’s home country (the country it was prescribed in).
Medical Device ID Card
Whether you’re running a quick errand or going away for an extended trip, it’s important to carry your Medical Device ID Card with you at all times. In an emergency, your card will let medical and security personnel know that you have an implanted device. In addition to your Medical Device ID Card, Boston Scientific offers a security card for international travel. The card explains that your implanted device may trigger airport security alarms and is printed in 13 languages. To get a Medical Device Patient Security Card, call us at 1-866-484-3268.