
Peripheral Thrombectomy System 

AngioJet peripheral thrombectomy system
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AngioJet peripheral thrombectomy catheters
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AngioJet Thrombectomy System

The AngioJet™ Thrombectomy System is a pharmacomechanical peripheral thrombectomy device with active aspiration and Power Pulse™ lytic delivery designed to treat the widest range of thrombosed vessels, rapidly restoring blood flow.

Key Resources

Product Detail

The AngioJet Thrombectomy System provides the power and flexibility for rapid thrombus removal, quick restoration of blood flow, symptom improvement and ease of use.

•  Active aspiration and Power Pulse lytic delivery for tough clots
•  Wide offering of catheters for treating arterial, venous and AV access in vessels ranging from 1.5 mm to large iliofemoral clot burdens
•  Compact, highly mobile console design

Console overview

Advanced, User-Friendly Console 

  • Control system automates set-up and monitors operation
  • Step-by-step interface for procedural efficiency
  • Automated system self-configures to each catheter
  • Compact, highly mobile console

Catheter specifications

ModelIndicationDelivery PlatformMinimum Vessel DiameterCatheter LengthCatheter DiameterGuidewirePower Pulse™ EnabledGuidewire SwappableContrast Injection Port
Solent™ DistaPeripheral ArterialOTW1.5 mm145 cm4 F / 3 F0.014”YesN/AN/A
Solent™ OmniPeripheral Arterial and Venous, AV AccessOTW3 mm120 cm6 F0.035”YesYesYes
Solent™ ProxiPeripheral Arterial and Venous, AV AccessOTW3 mm90 cm6 F0.035”YesYesYes
AVX™AV Access Grafts and FistulaOTW3 mm50 cm6 F0.035”N/AN/AYes
ZelanteDVT™VenousOTW6 mm105 cm8 F0.035”YesYesYes

Ordering Information

angiojet catheter
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AngioJet™ Service Programs

We have a shared mission, to keep your capital equipment running at the highest level, so you always maintain the highest level of care for your patients. We have several tiers of service tailored to meet your budget and any challenge that comes along.

AngioJet Resource Library

Dr. Stefano Barco at Vascular Interventions Online 2022
How I treat a patient presenting with iliofemoral DVT.
Data from RETHRO on AngioJet.

RETHRO DVT - Novel catheter - based reperfusion strategies for treatment of acute deep vein thrombosis from Zurich registry.
Reason to watch:
Early thrombus removal with AngioJet, can reduce severity of Post Thrombotic Syndrome (PTS) based on registry data at 22 months.


Prof. Stephen Black at Vascular Interventions Online 2022
How I Choose the Best Strategy for My DVT Patients – When to Lyse When not to Lyse?

Reason to watch:

  • Pharmacomechanical Thrombectomy remains the gold standard.
  • AngioJet with Powerpulse offers good efficacy and safety profile.
  • Patient selection is crucial.
  • Focus on the details, by incorporating contemporary practices its possible to achieve very low rates of PTS and low complication rates.