Imaging & Physiology
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AVVIGO™ Guidance System
The AVVIGO Guidance System is the only system that offers the game-changing performance of the COMET II Pressure Guidewire and your choice of physiology modality in a flexible, tablet-based platform.
- Interventional Cardiology
AVVIGO™ Guidance System II
The AVVIGO Guidance System II offers COMET™ II Pressure Guidewire along with high-definition IVUS using the OPTICROSS™ HD Imaging Catheter, all in a mobile or integrated platform.
- Interventional Cardiology
COMET™ Pressure Guidewire
COMET™ is a true workhorse pressure guidewire designed to be highly deliverable. Offering FFR, DFR™, and Pd/Pa measurements and providing streamlined workflow to facilitate decreased procedure duration.
- Interventional Cardiology
COMET™ II Pressure Guidewire
COMET II Pressure Guidewire is the next generation, true workhorse pressure guidewire from Boston Scientific designed with Asahi technology. It features exceptional deliverability and accuracy for optimal performance to diagnose and treat.
- Interventional Cardiology
OptiCross™ Coronary Imaging Catheter
The OptiCross™ Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) catheter is a highly deliverable catheter that physicians rate more deliverable than Volcano Eagle Eye™1, especially in complex lesions.
- Interventional Cardiology
OPTICROSS™ HD, 60MHz Coronary Imaging Catheters Increase resolution without compromising penetration
High Definition, Clear Results
Set a new standard for image quality, depth and deliverability with the new OPTICROSS HD 60 MHz Coronary Imaging Catheters.- Interventional Cardiology
POLARIS PCI Guidance System
POLARIS is a PCI guidance system that is designed for ease of use, accuracy and use with highly deliverable* catheters – providing guidance at every step to improve PCI outcomes.
- Interventional Cardiology