Left Main

Optimize the Treatment of Left Main
Expanding Treatment Options in Complex PCI
Live from EuroPCR 2016, faculty experts Dr. Byrne and Prof. Kedev highlight how comprehensive knowledge of new techniques and stent characteristics allow for complete revascularization in patients with complex disease, particularly LM bifurcation stenting.
Patients undergoing PCI are becoming more complex and that includes treating left main vessels which can be technically challenging. There are important considerations when treating these types of vessels including: overexpansion and radial strength capabilities as well as the stent´s ability to help the vessel heal. The SYNERGY stent meets those types of requirements.
Left main vessel are large (> 5.5 mm on average)1 making stent overexpansion capabilities critical.2
The SYNERGY stent is indicated for treatment of patients presenting unprotected left main coronary artery lesions and has a labeled overexpansion indication of up to 5.75 mm allowing the physician to customize the stent to the appropriate vessel size.

Additionally IVUS guidance during PCI is associated with better outcomes in patients with LM disease undergoing revascularization with DES3. The POLARIS multimodality system can help providing the necessary PCI guidance at every step.

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OptiCross™ Coronary Imaging Catheter
POLARIS PCI Guidance System
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