The newsletters offer you the access to the latest information regarding HeartLogic™ Heart Failure Diagnostic as well as to a set of patient cases.
Newsletter 6/2022
In this issue, we give you a summary of the most relevant evidence released during this year: we have sorted the publications in four sections, i.e. the 2022 Hot Topics for HeartLogic™, and we have summarized their take-home messages.
Newsletter 5/2022
This new issue presents two recently published papers on HeartLogic™: a case series about HeartLogic™ and CardioMEMS™, and an analysis of the sensor trends in patients with COVID-19.
In addition, we will share with you the latest findings presented during ESC congress in Barcelona.
Newsletter 4/2022
This newsletter covers several articles regarding HeartLogicTM's performance in clinical practice, and new data from the ESC-HF 2022 Congress in Madrid May 21st-24th.
Newsletter 3/2022
In this issue, we will analyse the content of articles from MANAGE-HF study and the Italian HeartLogic™ Registry, focusing on the treatment administered after HeartLogic alert as well as update you about the recent findings presented at the EHRA and HRS Congresses.
Newsletter 2/2022
In this issue, we describe two interesting publications focused on HeartLogic™ and Atrial Fibrillation: one about the Italian HeartLogic Independent Registry, and the other is an analysis from MultiSENSE Study.
Newsletter 1/2022
In this issue, we describe two new interesting papers about the use of HeartLogic™ in clinical practice and its diagnostic performance.