EnduraLife Battery Technology
EnduraLife Battery Technology 

Our EnduraLife Battery Technology significantly outperforms industry averages, even with enhanced features and our MultiSite Pacing turned ON* - confirmed by real-world, independent post-market studies1-9.

smart solutions | proven to last

EnduraLife Battery Technology

A proprietary combination of a 1.9 Amp-hours usable battery capacity, Li/MnO2 battery chemistry, and features designed to optimise energy efficiency.

EnduraLife™ Battery Technology was developed by Boston Scientific’s highly skilled team of battery engineers and are manufactured in-house, because traditional batteries were struggling to deliver the longevity and flexibility required for high voltage devices.

Industry-leading longevity: proven by 9 studies1-9

Nine independent studies confirmed that Boston Scientific CRT-Ds offer industry-leading longevity.
Industry-leading longevity: proven by 9 studies