If you are not implanted with a cardiac monitoring system, please visit the cardiac monitoring procedure page for more information. View this content in Spanish.
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Boston Scientific accounts are for healthcare professionals only.
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If you are not implanted with a cardiac monitoring system, please visit the cardiac monitoring procedure page for more information. View this content in Spanish.
Our RhythmCARE™ Patient Services team is here to support you throughout your journey.
LUX-Dx ICM System refers to LUX-Dx™, LUX-Dx II™, and LUX-Dx II+™ ICM Systems.
The downloadable myLUX patient app is only available for LUX-Dx II and LUX-Dx II+ ICM. It is not available on LUX-Dx ICM.
Some pictures of phone screens may look different from the screen on your mobile device, based on specific phone models or OS versions.
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