The REAL-PE analysis is the largest real-world and near real-time dataset evaluating advanced therapies for PE patients.
The results? Patients treated with the EKOS™ System had statistically significant lower rates of major bleeding and intracerebral haemorrhage than patients treated with Inari Medical’s™ FlowTriever™ system. In fact, all studied safety events trended in favor of the EKOS system, as did 30-day all-cause readmission rates.1
Hear from lead author Dr. Peter Monteleone, as he discusses the REAL-PE analysis
In comparison to patients who were treated with the FlowTriever System, patients treated with the EKOS system had a statistically significant:

lower rate of major bleeding events*1
FlowTriever (n=118/682),
EKOS (n=195/1577), p=0.0018
(ISTH Definition)

lower rate of intracerebral haemorrhage(0.3% incidence of ICH in patients treated with EKOS)*1
FlowTriever (n=9/682), EKOS (n=5/1577), p=0.005

Comparable in-hospital mortality rates (p=0.167), 30-day all-cause readmission rates (p=0.777), and median lengths of hospital stay*1