StoneSmart Solutions

StoneSmart™ Solutions

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StoneSmart Solutions

StoneSmart™ Solutions

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Monitoring Intrarenal Pressure During Ureteroscopy May Help Reduce Complications


The need for intrarenal pressure (IRP) monitoring

Fluid irrigation during flexible ureteroscopy is necessary to improve visibility and distention of the upper urinary tract. This can lead to elevated IRP with potential post-operative complications.1,2

Complications of elevated IRP may include: 

  • Pain4,5
  • Renal damage and pathological changes2,4,6
  • Systemic inflammatory response syndrome2,7
  • Fluid absorption2,4,8-10
  • Fever2,7
  • Infection2,4,7,11
  • Sepsis2,4,7,11
  • Pyelovenous backflow 2,4,8-10

“The higher the IRP,

the higher the concern for patient safety”


Expert consensus on high intrarenal pressure during ureteroscopy: A pan-European Delphi panel

In 2024, a Delphi panel of 11 physicians was conducted to help identify the patients most at risk of developing post-op complications due to high intrarenal pressures.

11 consensus statements were voted on, covering topics such as:

search document
The definition of high IRP
opinions initially varied on what constituted a high IRP, with concern noted predominantly at an IRP ≥80 cm3 H2O.
Potential complications associated with high IRP pressures during URS surgery.
risk with stone smart
Risk factors associated to high IRP in URS surgery and discussion of selective patient groups who will benefit most.

Access the Delphi Panel abstract presented at the European Association of Urology (EAU) Congress in Paris, France, March

Expert consensus on high intrarenal pressure during ureteroscopy: A pan-European Delphi panel Somani B., Davis N., Emiliani E., Gökce M.I., Jung H.U., Keller E.X., Miernik A., Proietti S., Turney B., Wiseman O., Traxer O.


Bhojani Sepsis Prevalence Mortality After Ureteroscopy

Clinical summary:
Sepsis prevalence and mortality after ureteroscopy
(Bhojani et al., 2023)

featured evidence on intrarenal pressure

Featured evidence and contemporary views
on intrarenal pressure



Manoj Monga, MD, FACS,
Urologist, San Diego, California


Intrarenal Pressure Monitoring


Download the academic publications

Croghan et al. BJU Int. 2023, In vivo ureteroscopic intrarenal pressures and clinical outcomes: a multi-institutional analysis of 120 consecutive patients.

Bhojani et al. BJU Int. 2023, Sepsis prevalence and associated hospital admission and mortality after ureteroscopy in employed adults.

De Coninck et al. World Journal of Urology 2020, Complications of ureteroscopy: a complete overview.


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