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Boston Scientific LUX-Dx II+ Insertable Cardiac Monitor and report strip.

Clear S-ECG signals

Focused on decision-making confidence

Designed to emulate Lead II, the S-ECG signals of the LUX-Dx II+™ Insertable Cardiac Monitor (ICM) System help you achieve more efficient and confident event reviews—providing confirmation of proper device location and confidence in algorithm performance.

See the clarity for yourself with p-waves visible in 90% of heart cycles.1* Review actual LUX-Dx patient examples in this video, our case collection, and the snapshots below. 

LUX-Dx™ ICM Systems case collection**

Dig deeper to see how the LUX-Dx ICM System** showed consistent, clear S-ECG signals over time.

Case collection

Patient event S-ECG examples

These snapshots show the LUX-Dx ICM Systems** in action with report strips from actual patients.

Presenting S-ECG report strip from Boston Scientific LUX-Dx II+ Insertable Cardiac Monitor.

Presenting S-ECG

S-ECG from Atrial fibrillation alert report strip from Boston Scientific LUX-Dx II+ Insertable Cardiac Monitor.

S-ECG from Atrial fibrillation alert

Pause S-ECG report strip from Boston Scientific LUX-Dx II+ Insertable Cardiac Monitor.

S-ECG from Pause alert

Tachycardia S-ECG report strip from Boston Scientific LUX-Dx II+ Insertable Cardiac Monitor.

S-ECG from tachycardia alert

Atrial Tachycardia S-ECG report strip from Boston Scientific LUX-Dx II+ Insertable Cardiac Monitor.

S-ECG from atrial tachycardia alert

Bradycardia S-ECG report strip from Boston Scientific LUX-Dx II+ Insertable Cardiac Monitor.

S-ECG from bradycardia alert

LUX-Dx™ Learning Center

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*Evaluated using the LUX-DxTM ICM System

** References to “LUX-Dx ICMs” Includes LUX-Dx™, LUX-Dx II™ and LUX-Dx II+™ ICM Systems

1. Frazier-Mills C, Rahan A, Saleeby R, Leguire R, et al. Consistent visibility in P-waves observed in patients implanted with LUX-Dx Insertable Cardiac Monitor. Poster presented at: 2021 Heart Rhythm Society; July 2021; Boston, MA.