Hand wearing surgical glove, holding Boston Scientific LUX-Dx II+ Insertable Cardiac Monitor.

Intuitive insertion procedure

Focused on simple familiarity

With the LUX-Dx II+ Insertable Cardiac Monitor (ICM), insertion efficiency is a familiar feeling—the intuitive process is designed for reliable placement, rapid validation and confident completion.

ICM device insertion process

The LUX-Dx II+ ICM device comes pre-loaded in a single-piece insertion tool and uses a familiar procedure for more efficient and confident insertion.

Hands wearing surgical gloves creating incision with LUX-Dx Incision Tool.

STEP 1: Incision

Create a small incision using the included LUX-Dx Incision Tool.

Hands inserting LUX-Dx Insertion Tool into opening 8mm under the skin.

STEP 2: Tunnel

Insert the included LUX-Dx Insertion Tool into opening.

Hands twisting LUX-Dx Insertion Tool 180 degrees to create a pocket.

STEP 3: Rotate

Twist the Insertion Tool 180 degrees to create a pocket.

Hands pulling back plunger of LUX-Dx Insertion Tool to premarked blue line.

STEP 4: Pull Back Plunger

Pull back on plunger of Insertion Tool to premarked blue line.

Hands pushing plunger of LUX-Dx Insertion Tool fully to place device in pocket.

STEP 5: Insertion

Push plunger of Insertion Tool fully to place device in pocket.

Hands removing LUX-Dx tool and closing using standard surgical techniques.

STEP 6: Remove

Remove tool and close using standard surgical techniques.

LUX-Dx II+ ICM Cutting Tool and Insertion Tool.

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