Purpose of data processing: providing access to the BSC EDUCARE digital platform to engage in BSC product-related learning activities, such as completing courses, accessing educational resources, participating in discussions, receiving instruction, tracking progress, submitting assignments, and communicating with BSC instructors or administrators.

List of personal data

  • My name and surname;
  • My email address;

Consent is valid until occurrence of any of the below events:  

  • Until the consent is revoked; 
  • Until the purpose of processing is achieved.

BSC may transfer (give access) or assign processing of my personal data to the entities listed below:

  • Limited Liability Company “Boston Scientific” located at: 125315, Russia, Moscow, Leningradskiy prospect, 72 building 2, 3rd floors, office V, room 1A;
  • Other vendors and affiliated BSC companies engaged for the above purpose.

I consent to the collection, recording, systematization, storage (up-date, change), extraction, use, transfer (providing access), blocking, deletion of my personal data. I consent to automatic data processing.

I understand that some of my personal data may be received in an electronic form only through third parties. I consent to such receipt of my personal data from such 3rd parties for the purposes of processing listed above. 

I can revoke my consent by submitting a written notice to BSC using the following contact details:

Email: EuropePrivacy@bsci.com or through our Data Subject Request Form

Postal Mail:

Boston Scientific - DPO

c/Ribera del Loira, 46 Edificio 2

28042 Madrid (Spain)