Emerge Header

Diverse teams for better patient outcomes

Aspire. Achieve. Lead

A programme for women physicians in the interventional and vascular space.

Application 2025/2026 are now open

When we challenge the status quo, we advance the future of interventional radiology and vascular surgery.

Prof. Marianne Brodmann, MD

Graz, Austria

At Boston Scientific, we believe that diversity is critical to advancing science and that diverse medical teams add value to patient communities by improving communication, experiences and outcomes.

Developed in partnership with experts in the peripheral space, this programme will support women physicians in the early stages of their interventional careers, imparting information and techniques that will optimise the clinical application of our technology and skills that will improve communication with patients and peers about the diseases we treat and the therapy options available.

This certified programme has been designed to ensure high levels of interactivity and mentoring, and excellent opportunities for building peer-to-peer relationships at face-to-face events.

The application process for the EMERGE 2025/2026 programme is now open. Finalists will be notified of their acceptance into the programme by January 6th, 2025.

CPD Certified

Contributor experts:

The programme has been developed in close co-operation with a panel of senior women specialists who will continue to take an active role in the delivery of the programme and will act as mentors to the participants.


Dr. Carole Allimant

Dr. Carole Allimant

Interventional Radiologist,
University Hospital of Montpellier, France

Dr Alex Barnacle

Dr. Alex Barnacle

Consultant Paediatric Interventional Radiologist,
Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK

Dr. Céline Deslarzes

Dr. Céline Deslarzes

Vascular Surgeon, CHUV (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois),
Lausanne, Switzerland

Dr. Mareike Franke

Dr. Mareike Franke

Consultant Interventional Radiologist at Luzerner Kantonsspital,
Luzern, Switzerland

Dr. Greicy Heymann

Dr. Greicy Heymann

Interventional Radiologist at Lindenhofspital,
Bern, Switzerland

Dr. Kate Steiner

Dr. Kate Steiner

Consultant Interventional Radiologist at East and North Herts NHST,
Stevenage, UK

Curriculum overview:

The curriculum comprises a combination of face-to-face events and virtual workshops.

Programme commitment:

3 plum circle

Virtual and Face-to-face
CT Masterclasses
(0,5 – 1,5 days)

plus sign
4 caribbean circle

Virtual Interpersonal and
Communication Skill Modules
(0,5 day each)

plus sign
1 plum circle

Virtual Mentoring Sessions acc. to
individual needs
(30-60 min. each)

Clinical Technology (CT) Masterclass Series

  • Clinical Technology Masterclass workshops will discuss the challenges and complexities of diseases that we treat, the therapies available and the practical application of Boston Scientific technology. Participants will learn from leading clinical experts about different therapeutic approaches and safe and effective use of our devices.
  • The exact content will be refined according to the specific interests of the participants, but topics will include SIRT, ablation, embolisation and endovascular procedures. In addition to virtual modules, participants will attend 1 face-to-face 1.5-day Masterclass (from a choice of 2).
  • Modules will be delivered to you virtually and face-to-face.

Increasing Impact Through Communications

  • These Communication Skills workshops will enable you to become more confident in communicating with your patients and your team, and in discussing cases in a multidisciplinary setting. 
  • You will learn how to increase your impact by communicating more effectively with patients and peers about the diseases we treat and the therapy options available.


  • Establishing the mentoring agreement with clarity on mentor/mentee posture beyond academics, setting intention and boundaries will allow to establish trust and open communication.
  • Dedicate mentoring session with clear expectations on outcomes will provide a effective and enriching mutually beneficial relationship and enabling you to foster and formalize these partnerships in future setting to support your career aspiration and learning journey.


  • Applications for the 2025/2026 is now open and are invited from woman physicians. They must be in the early stages of their career (<five years) and are practising in Interventional Radiology, Interventional Oncology, Vascular Surgery or Angiology. The geographical scope is Europe, Middle East and South Africa.
  • Places are limited to 18 people.
  • Participants are expected to commit to attending 80% of all modules throughout the 18-month program.
  • In allocating places, your application will be reviewed carefully with consideration given to achieving a balanced cohort in terms of specialty and geography. 
  • Willingness to travel for face-to-face sessions, closing ceremony, and to attend virtual sessions.


  • Applications for the 2025/2026 programme is now under way.
    If you registered your interest, you have received an application form to fill out. Finalists will be notified of their acceptance into the programme by January 6th, 2025.
  • Do participants have to pay to follow the programme?
    The programme is sponsored by Boston Scientific and delivered free of charge to participants. Travel and accommodation for face-to-face events will be arranged and paid for by Boston Scientific. However, country specific rules may be applicable, and participants may need to cover part of the costs. 
  • How long does the programme last?
    The programme covers an 18-month period.
  • What language will the programme be delivered in?
    All modules of the programme will be delivered in English.
  • Will I receive a certificate of completion?
    Participants will be awarded a certificate of attendance only if they have completed at least 80% of the programme.

The law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician. Indications, contraindications, warnings, and instructions for use can be found in the product labelling supplied with each device or at www.IFU-BSCI.com. Products shown for INFORMATION purposes only and may not be approved or for sale in certain countries. This material not intended for use in France.