A fully integrated DBS workflow
Our partnership with Brainlab allows for a complete integration of our Vercise™ portfolio into the Brainlab Elements platform.
This consists of a pre-op planning software for DBS trajectory planning and a post-op planning software called Guide™ XT to verify lead location and orientation and help programming by visualizing the position and orientation of the lead within the patient’s own segmented anatomy.
Pre-op planning and post-op review
The Vercise GENUS™ platform is fully integrated in Brainlab Elements for enriched procedure planning with Elements Stereotaxy and localization of the Boston Scientific leads with regards to own segmented anatomy of the patient and fiber tracts.
Image Guided Programming with STIMVIEW™ XT Technology
STIMVIEW XT Technology brings visualization into the programming environment to help the programming physicians to benefit from the detailed surgical procedure and integrate that information into the programming strategy. Correlating the clinical outcomes of stimulation with the brain region being stimulated in real time will help to drastically reduce programming time.¹
1. Image Guided programming in PD patients enables a reduction in programming time compared with standard clinical based programming (p=39).
Lange F, Et al. Reduced Programming Time and Strong Symptom Control Even in Chronic Course Through Imaging-Based DBS Programming. Front Neurol. 2021 Nov 8;12:785529. N=10
Learn more about Brainlab Stereotaxy
Intuitive personalised therapy
Vercise™ Neural Navigator 5 Software (VN5) makes it easier and more efficient to personalise your patients' DBS journey.
Hear from an expert: Pr Volkmann
Hear from an expert: Dr Capetian
Brainlab Online Campus
Learn more about the Brainlab Elements Image Fusion, Anatomical Mapping and Lead Localization
Explore the publications supporting DBS visualisation
Image Guided Programming
Contact and support
GUIDE™ XT is intended to display medical images and simulate stimulation output. It includes functions for image manipulation and 3D visualization (reconstructions and volume rendering). Features include display of a simulated DBS Lead from a Patient’s CT scan compared with an anatomical atlas.
CAUTION: The law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician. Indications, contraindications, warnings, and instructions for use can be found in the product labelling supplied with each device or at www.IFU-BSCI.com. Products shown for INFORMATION purposes only and may not be approved or for sale in certain countries. This material is not intended for use in France. 2023 Copyright © Boston Scientific Corporation or its affiliates. All rights reserved.