The following charts detail our gender pay gap for UK (excluding Northern Ireland) workforce as of 05 April 2022.
Hourly Rate Gap

On average women are paid 13 percent less than men in our UK (excluding N.l.) workforce. We are confident that women and men are largely paid the same for comparable roles. The overall difference in average earnings identified in this disclosure is due primarily to the underrepresentation of women in senior leadership posts. We are pleased to see an improvement in the mean hourly rate gap through our continued initiatives since last year. We will continue to work to reduce this gap over the coming years.
Bonus Gap

Looking specifically at the average bonus gap between men and women, the difference is 22.9 percent. This gap is primarily driven by the underrepresentation of women in leadership roles, more men are in senior positions and senior positions attract higher performance bonuses.
The change in the bonus gap this year (mean decrease, median increase) has been influenced by business restructuring and the resulting change in demographic; and the extension of a bonus deferral scheme to more employees.
Proportion of male and female employees per quartile

The population is divided into four equal parts or ‘quartiles’, from the lowest paid to the highest paid based on the calculated hourly pay rate. This breakdown of hourly rates by defined quartiles reflects the gender differences in our workforce. Men are overrepresented in the upper pay quartile and women in the lower.
Proportion of males and females receiving a bonus

This graphic illustrates 97 percent of men and 96 percent of women received a bonus payment in the 12 months leading up to 05 April 2022. The increase in the proportion of both men and women receiving bonus was influenced by the payment of a one-time global bonus. In addition, a 2022 bonus expansion programme has extended the Boston Scientific bonus plan to roles that were previously excluded, which is expected to bring continued equity to the proportion of males and females receiving a bonus in the coming years.
I confirm the data reported is accurate.
Boston Scientific Limited
/s/ Jonathan Monson
Jonathan Monson