AGENT™ Drug-Coated Balloon

AGENT is the first and only U.S. coronary drug-coated balloon (DCB), introducing a new treatment option for patients with in-stent restenosis (ISR). AGENT is purposefully designed to provide reliable and efficient drug transfer, and effortless deliverability in complex anatomy.

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FDA approved: An AGENT of change for ISR treatment

AGENT Drug-Coated Balloon expands treatment options for physicians and their patients by delivering a targeted anti-proliferative drug dose, without introducing an extra layer of metal.

How it works

Why choose AGENT Drug-Coated Balloon? 

ISR treatment option expansion

~10% of PCIs are complicated by in-stent restenosis (ISR)1. Currently, 82% of patients with ISR receive another stent.2 Yet repeat intervention is associated with a higher risk of target lesion revascularization.3

For patients with ISR, placing additional stents increases risks including thrombosis⁴ and future ISR.⁵ ⁶ Coronary drug-coated balloons (DCBs) provide a proven alternative and have been used to treat more than 1 million patients worldwide.⁷

Icon illustrating multiple layers of stent

Avoid additional layers of metal 

Reducing potential stent related complications

Expanding arrows represent how a physician's current treatment plan can enable future options that are best for the patient.

Expand treatment options

Leaving no metal behind for lifetime patient management 

Medicine with downward pointing arrow represents the reduced rate of medication-related bleeding complications

Shorten the duration of DAPT⁸

Which may result in a reduced rate of medication-related bleeding complications⁹

Comparing DCB to DES when treating ISR

DCBs present an advantage when compared to bare-metal stents and drug-eluting stents in that they do not introduce an additional metal layer that may cause potential complications (including fracture, malposition, and thrombosis).⁵

Drug released from a drug-coated balloon in the vessel to treat challenging coronary anatomy.

Drug-Coated Balloon (DCB)

Excipient maintains coating integrity, but is less protective than DES Polymer 
Single high dose transfer of at least 30 seconds
No metal left behind
Polymer drug released from drug-eluting stent in the vessel to enable short DAPT.

Drug-Eluting Stent (DES)

Polymer protects drug during tracking
Polymer controls sustained drug release for 90+ days*
Permanent presence of stent

The right drug. The right delivery method. ​

AGENT is designed with a novel excipient, sharp-edge structure, and uniform crystalline formulation. Its proprietary TransPax™ coating technology optimizes the three phases of drug delivery: transfer, absorption, and retention.

Paclitaxel, the drug used in AGENT and the majority of DCBs worldwide, is better suited for a Coronary DCB Application than Sirolimus:

Novel excipient maximizes balloon-to-vessel wall transfer and minimizes downstream particulates.

Targeted transfer

  • Paclitaxel is more durable, repels water, and dissolves under hydration (hydrophobic).10,11
  • Novel excipient (ATBC) maximizes balloon-to-vessel wall transfer.
Sharp microscopic Paciltaxel (PTX) structure that enhances tissue absorption.

Rapid absorption

  • Paclitaxel has a higher affinity for fatty tissue (lipophilic), accelerating drug tissue absorption.12 
  • Needle like coating improves tissue penetration.
Uniform crystalline formulation maintains the Paciltaxel through the healing process.

Sustained retention

  • Paclitaxel has a lower dissolution rate and higher chemical stability that enables sustained release.13,14 
  • Crystalline formulation maintains therapy throughout the healing process. 

TransPax™ Coating Technology

With the right balance of hydrophilic and hydrophobic characteristics, our proprietary TransPax Coating Technology is designed to maximize drug transfer to the target vessel wall and delivers the right amount of treatment exactly where it’s needed.

TransPax coating is a combination of:

  • Low dose paclitaxel at 2µ/mm2
  • Novel excipient Acetyl Tributyl Citrate (ATBC)
  • Proprietary manufacturing process
Uniform crystalline formulation maintains the Paciltaxel through the healing process.

Exceptional deliverability

AGENT reduces time to lesion, which allows for maximized drug tissue concentration and minimized downstream particulates, reducing the risk of embolization. Features include: 

Laser Bonded Tip

  • Improves crossability and reduces tip catch.

Bi-segment Inner Shaft

  • Improves trackability in tortuous distal anatomy


  • Improves tracking with proprietary lubricious coating


  • Efficient coating technology
AGENT DCB is designed for effortless deliverability with its Laser Bonded Tip, Z Glide for enhanced trackability, and a flexible Bi-Segment Inner Shaft.

Discover the Modern PCI approach

See the vessel with OPTICROSS™ high-definition coronary imaging catheters to inform treatment decisions.

See the vessel

Assess plaque type and severity using the latest imaging and physiology technology. Eliminate guesswork and make clearer treatment decisions.

Prep the vessel with the right tool, like the WOLVERINE™ Coronary Cutting Balloon™.

Prep the vessel

Successful outcomes start with proper lesion assessment and vessel preparation. Achieve optimal lumen gain with our cutting balloon and rotational atherectomy tools.

Treat the vessel with the right drug-eluting therapy, like the SYNERGY™ XD Everlimus-Eluting Platinum Chromium Coronary Stent.

Treat the vessel

With our innovative stent portfolio and coronary drug-coated balloon technology, you have access to market-leading therapies that will ensure you are able to improve long-term patient outcomes.

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1. Stolker JM, Cohen DJ, Kennedy KF, Pencina MJ, Lindsey JB, Mauri L, Cutlip DE, Kleiman NS. Evaluation of Drug-Eluting Stents and Ischemic Events (EVENT) Investigators. Repeat revascularization after contemporary percutaneous coronary intervention: An evaluation of staged, target lesion, and other unplanned revascularization procedures during the first year

2. Moussa ID, Mohananey D, Saucedo J, et al. Trends and outcomes of restenosis after coronary stent implantation in the United States. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2020;76:1521–1531.

3. Kastrati A, Cassese S (2020). In-stent restenosis in the United States: Time to enrich its treatment armamentarium. In (Vol. 76, pp. 1532–1535): American College of Cardiology Foundation, Washington DC.

4. Tepe G, Brodmann M, Micari A, et al. 5-year outcomes of drug-coated balloons for peripheral artery in-stent restenosis, long lesions, and CTOs. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2023;16:1065–1078.

5. Kawamoto H, Ruparelia N, Latib A, et al. Drug-coated balloons versus second-generation drug-eluting stents for the management of recurrent multimetal-layered in-stent restenosis. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2015;8:1586–1594.

6. Yabushita H, Kawamoto H, Fujino Y, et al. Clinical outcomes of drug-eluting balloon for in-stent restenosis based on the number of metallic layers. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2018;11:e005935.

7. Market Data on file at BSC as of July 2023.

8. Nakamura M, Isawa T, Nakamura S, et al. Drug-coated balloon for the treatment of small vessel coronary artery disease – a randomized non-inferiority trial. Circ J. 2023;87:287–295.

9. Alfonso F, Coughlan JJ, Giacoppo D, Kastrati A, Byrne RA. Management of in-stent restenosis. EuroIntervention: Journal of EuroPCR in Collaboration with the Working Group on Interventional Cardiology of the European Society of Cardiology. 2022;18:e103–e123.10. Market Data on file at BSC as of July 2023.

10. Surapaneni M, et al. International Scholarly Research Notices 2012.

11. Kim M, et al. International journal of nanomedicine (2011): 6:2997–3009. Enhanced bioavailability of sirolimus via preparation of solid dispersion nanoparticles using a supercritical antisolvent process.

12. Teichgräber, U, et al. Head-to-head comparison of sirolimus- versus paclitaxel-coated balloon angioplasty in the femoropopliteal artery: study protocol for the randomized controlled SIRONA trial. Trials 22, 665 (2021)

13. Tzafriri A, et al. Journal of Controlled Release. 2019; 310:94–102.  Taking paclitaxel coated balloons to a higher level: Predicting coating dissolution kinetics, tissue retention and dosing dynamics

14. Granada J. What’s next in drug-eluting SFA technology? Endovascular Today. 2017;16:9.

15. Yeh RW, Bachinsky W, Stoler R, et al. Rationale and design of a randomized study comparing the AGENT drug-coated balloon to plain old balloon angioplasty in patients with in-stent restenosis. Am Heart J. 2021;241:101–107.

16. AGENT IDE Clinical Trial data presented at CRT 2024 by Dr. Robert Yeh.

17. Medicare Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) Final Rule; CMS-1809-FC; p. 507; This document is scheduled to be published in the Federal Register on 11/27/2024 and available online at



Please review the AGENT Brief Summary for full instructions on use.

CAUTION: The law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician. Indications, contraindications, warnings and instructions for use can be found in the product labeling supplied with each device. Products shown for INFORMATION purposes only and may not be approved or for sale in certain countries. The material not intended for use in France.

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