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Everolimus-Eluting Platinum Chromium Coronary Stent System

PLATINUM Long Lesion Trial

Platinum Chromium Everolimus-Eluting Clinical Experience

Study Objective: Evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the Promus PtCr EES Stent System1 for the treatment of patients with a de novo lesion > 24 and ≤ 34 mm in length; ≥ 2.50 mm to ≤ 4.25 mm in diameter

Study Design: Prospective, Single-arm, Multicenter


Long Lesion Data in Perspective

0% ARC ST (Def/Prob) and 0% TV-MI

PLATINUM Long Lesion Trial

2-Year Results2

Promus EES stent incident rate on long lesions

4.8% TV-MI

SPIRIT PRIME Long Lesion Registry

2-Year Results in Perspective3,4

Xience Everolimus Drug-Eluting Stent 4.8% TV-MI