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Single-Incision Sling System

Solyx product image with mesh.
Illustration of Solyx sling in place.
Solyx device.
close up visual of mesh.
Mesh Carrier with Delivery Device Tip — The barb design is intended to track smoothly through tissue. Snap-fit delivery device is designed to help prevent premature carrier slip-off.

Single incision sling system designed to offer a procedure with fewer steps and reduced dissection. The mesh assembly is designed to be placed away from critical structures, such as the obturator bundle, and the carrier snap-fit on the delivery device tip is designed to facilitate control during placement. Available with Advantage™ clear mesh or Advantage Blue mesh.

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Product Details

Solyx device product shot.

Mesh Carrier and Assembly

  • The barb design is intended to track smoothly through tissue
  • Snap-fit delivery device is designed to help prevent premature carrier slip-off
  • Mesh length is 9cm
Illustration of Solyx in lateral view against Obturator artery.
  • Mesh assembly placement is designed to be away from critical structures, such as the obturator bundle

Delivery Device

  • Designed to seat carrier where placed
  • Ergonomic handle design
  • Mid-line marker designed to facilitate guidance for accurate placement

Ability to Tighten

  • Sling is tensioned by delivery device advancement
  • Carrier snap-fit on delivery device tip designed to facilitate control during placement
  • Note: Once the carrier is deposited in the tissue, it is not designed to be reconnected onto the shaft tip for additional tension/adjustment.

De-Tanged Polypropylene Material

  • A de-tanged suburethral portion designed to maintain its integrity during tensioning and potentially reduce irritation to the urethral wall


If you treat patients with stress urinary incontinence, you know the journey can be long and life changing. Often, women wait years before they make their first appointment, but when they do seek treatment their lives can be improved.

Explore the journey from initiating the conversation to seeing lives impacted by the Solyx™ Single-Incision Sling in this short video series featuring Dr. Kevin Benson, a urogynecologist from Sanford Health, and two patients, AJ and Chandra.


Episode 1: Beginning the conversation

When evaluating patients with stress urinary incontinence and assessing treatment options, Dr. Kevin Benson highlights the importance of patient history and personal goals. Hear why he often recommends the Solyx™ Single-Incision Sling including his focus on patient outcomes and recovery time.

Episode 2: Evaluating for treatment

For AJ and Chandra, their stress urinary incontinence journey began after childbirth. Both dealt with the problem for years — wearing pads and avoiding activities they enjoyed — until they decided to seek treatment and get their lives back. Hear what drove them to take the next step and how Dr. Kevin Benson, a urogynecologist, evaluates patients like them to see if the Solyx™ Single-Incision Sling may be a good fit.

Episode 3: Back to enjoying life

When patients choose the Solyx™ Single-Incision Sling, Dr. Kevin Benson says they remark that their only regret is that they didn’t do it sooner. Six weeks after having the Solyx™ Single-Incision Sling placed, Chandra says it was “like starting my life over,” and AJ recalls her “self-esteem was back up.” See how the procedure impacted their lives and allowed them to return to some of their favorite activities. Also, hear about other patient feedback on the recovery journey, as shared by Dr. Kevin Benson.

Ordering Information

Order NumberUPNDescriptionQuantity
850700M0068507000Solyx SIS System1 Delivery Device and 1 Mesh Assembly
850701M0068507010Solyx Blue Single Incision Sling System1 Delivery Device and 1 Mesh Assembly

Each System includes One (1) Delivery Device and One (1) Mesh Assembly


Get in touch with our team

Whether you’re looking to trial a Solyx Single-Incision Sling System or have general questions about the products, please fill out the fields below and a member of our team will contact you.



522 Post-Market Clinical Study Results

36-Month Data from Solyx Single Incision Sling System 522 Study

The Solyx Single-Incision Sling System 522 post-market clinical study is a prospective, parallel cohort, non-inferiority study to assess the safety and effectiveness of a single incision sling. This study evaluated the Solyx System as compared to the Obtryx II Transobturator Mid-Urethral Sling System. The study also looked at patient reported outcomes and female sexual function following sling surgery. 