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Capital Equipment: Diagnostic

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All Specialties (2)

  • iLAB™ featuring ULTRA ICE™ PLUS Ultrasound Imaging System and Ultrasound Imaging Catheter

    iLAB™ Ultrasound Imaging System and ULTRA ICE™ PLUS Ultrasound Imaging Catheter for Intracardiac Imaging

    ICE provides the combination of real-time imaging and soft tissue visualization that cannot be duplicated by fluoroscopy, pre-operative imaging (CT or MR), or electroanatomic mapping. Not only can you identify anatomical structures, you can visualize where devices are relative to those structures.

    1. Electrophysiology
  • LABSYSTEM™ PRO EP Recording System

    When it comes to EP recording, nothing performs like a PRO...The LABSYSTEM™ Pro EP Recording System. Our powerful, performance-driven software is now available with new features that deliver increased flexibility for data review and export. Why settle for anything less?

    1. Electrophysiology