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Rotational Atherectomy System

600+ Certified Operators  in the U.S.
25+ years of proven clinical safety and efficacy
1.1m+ procedures performed worldwide
* Based on Boston Scientific sales estimate.

32% moderate to severe calcium, 6% severe calcium
ARRIVE Registry Chart
Severe Calcium significantly increases the chance of death, TLR/TVR and MACE.

  • Patients were more likely to be older with a higher prevalence of comorbidities
  • Patients were more likely to have complex type B2 and C lesions
  • 37% of patients had a previously failed PCI


* “There was a small but significant increase in death at 12 months; however considering there was no difference in 30‑day mortality, this difference may be unrelated to RA itself and reflect the older demographic with higher prevalence of comorbidities in the cohort undergoing RA.”3
PCI Product Portfolio