well-dressed middle-aged man smiling and looking forward


Your Boston Scientific pacemaker is designed to monitor and treat your abnormal heart rhythm. Learn about the device, what to expect from your procedure, and how you can get back to the pace of life. 

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Getting to know your device

Already implanted with a pacemaker? Go to the device support page for more information. 

At the heart of health

Pacemakers are used to treat a condition called bradycardia. This is an abnormally slow heartbeat, typically fewer than 60 beats per minute. The result of this condition is often symptoms such as dizziness, shortness of breath, or fainting spells.

Understanding the procedure

Implanting a pacemaker system requires a minor procedure in the upper chest, under the skin. Most people go home within 24 hours. Your doctor will provide specific guidelines based on your health status. Here is a general outline of what to expect. 

Before the procedure:

If you and your doctor have decided on pacemaker implantation, here’s how you may prep for your procedure.

  • You may be asked not to eat or drink anything for a period of time before your procedure. Ask your doctor for specific instructions
  • Your doctor will advise which medications to stop or start taking before your procedure and for how long
  • Wear comfortable clothes to your procedure with a possible change to wear home. Your doctor will give you specific instructions

During the procedure:

For the implantation, you will be sedated. Your doctor will insert a lead in a vein near your collarbone using a small incision. The lead is passed through the vein to the heart where your pacemaker is inserted beneath the skin. Before closing the incision, your doctor tests the pacemaker to ensure it is working properly. 

Follow-up care:

Using wireless technology, your doctor can check your pacemaker remotely for easy and convenient follow-up visits. Remote monitoring and technology makes health care more seamless, but you will need to see your doctor in-person for certain types of care. 

Knowing the benefits

By keeping your heart from beating too slowly, pacemakers can treat symptoms like fatigue, lightheadedness, and fainting. Your pacemaker can allow you to get back to a more active lifestyle by automatically adjusting your heart rate to match your level of activity.

Explaining the risks

While complications from a pacemaker do not happen very often, it’s important to know the risks associated with all treatments or procedures you choose. Talk with your doctor before your procedure to understand the risks associated with pacemaker implantation.

Click here to download the Pacemaker Patient Brochure to understand more about risks.

See our Pacemaker Manual for detailed safety information. Or request a copy by calling 1-800-227-3422.

Learn more about your battery

Like anything that operates on a battery, the life of your pacemaker will depend on how much the battery is used. The battery is used every time your device delivers therapy. So the amount of pacing you receive, and the amount of energy your doctor programs into the pacing therapy, affects the life of the battery. An additional consideration is the type of device chosen. Model L300, L301, L310 and L311 ACCOLADE Pacemakers are projected to last 8-12 years and L321 and L331 ACCOLADE Extended Longevity (EL) pacemakers are projected to last 10-17 years.1

Find your pacemaker

Download details about your specific pacemaker, including its size, maintenance and how long you can expect it to last. 

Boston Scientific’s ACCOLADE pacemaker


Boston Scientific's most advanced pacemakers are equipped with industry-leading device battery and a blended sensor to support different daily activity levels. View the patient spec sheet.

Resources for you

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Learn more about Boston Scientific

Important Safety Information

A pacemaker system is designed to monitor and treat your heart rhythm problems, greatly reducing the risks associated with them. These devices are sensitive to strong electromagnetic interference (EMI) and can be affected by certain sources of electric or magnetic fields. Some of the risks encountered during the implant procedure include, but are not limited to, the following: Bleeding, formation of a blood clot, damage to adjacent structures (tendons, muscles, nerves), puncture of a lung or vein, damage to the heart (perforation or tissue damage), dangerous arrhythmias, heart attack, stroke, death. Some of the risks encountered after the system is implanted may include, but are not limited to, the following: Infection, erosion of the skin near your device, lead(s) may move out of place in the heart, device may move from the original implant site, difficulty coping with having an implanted device. The device might be prevented from pacing due to electromagnetic interference. Electrodes on the lead or the pacing pulses may cause an irritation or damaging effect on the surrounding tissues, including heart tissue and nerves. You may receive pacing therapy when it is not needed (unnecessary therapy). The device might not be able to detect or appropriately treat your heart rhythms. The device may exhibit malfunctions that may result in lost or compromised ability to deliver therapy. You may experience some discomfort from the incision as you recover from the surgery. You may experience some discomfort from the incision as you recover from the surgery. With all medical procedures there are risks associated. In rare cases device failure or death can occur. Be sure to talk with your doctor so that you thoroughly understand all of the risks and benefits associated with the implantation of this system. To obtain a copy of the device Patient Handbook for more detailed device safety information, go to www.bostonscientific.com, or you can request a copy by calling 1-866-484-3268 or writing to Boston Scientific, 4100 Hamline Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 55112. Rx only

Device Quality and Reliability

It is Boston Scientific’s intent to provide implantable devices of high quality and reliability. However, these devices may exhibit malfunctions that may result in lost or compromised ability to deliver therapy. Refer to Boston Scientific’s CRM product performance report on www.bostonscientific.com for more information about device performance, including the types and rates of malfunctions that these devices have experienced historically. While historical data may not be predictive of future device performance, such data can provide important context for understanding the overall reliability of these types of products. Also, it is important that you talk with your doctor about the risks and benefits associated with the implantation of a device. 

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