Find A Heart Specialist

Facilities for ICD, Pacemaker, and Heart Failure Device Patients
The facilities listed here have treated patients with Boston Scientific and/or Guidant branded Cardiac Rhythm Management products and may be able to help you with matters related to your device.
EMBLEM™ S-ICD Patients
Looking for a specialist trained and experienced in the EMBLEM S-ICD System? Visit our physician finder on
Looking for a specialist trained and experienced in pacemakers or defibrillators? Use the finder below to find a provider.
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Boston Scientific provides the list of therapy providers as a convenience to patients.
Boston Scientific does not employ, regulate or control these physicians or clinics, nor does Boston Scientific provide any insurance or guarantee with respect to their services.
Boston Scientific does not represent that these providers are any more skilled or qualified than other providers of pacemaker or defibrillator therapy. Their names are available for you to contact as you would any physician or clinic.
Please contact the facility directly to ensure the necessary staffing and equipment are available to address your specific needs.