Doctors viewing their tablets

Recovering from your procedure

Each part of your Parkinson's disease (PD) therapy should be carefully considered so you find the right solutions for you and those caring for you. Understanding DBS and what to expect from the procedure helps you decide if it fits your treatment plan.

The steps of DBS

Your DBS procedure happens in phases over a period of time. Here’s what you can expect from exploration to recovery.1

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Explore your options

In the early stages of PD, while your symptoms are still responding to medications, explore all the treatments and therapies available to you as a patient with PD. Find a Movement Disorder Specialist to help you along your journey. And begin the process of talking to your health insurance about DBS. Many providers cover DBS.

96% of people who received Boston Scientific DBS would choose to do it again

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Have a DBS surgery evaluation

Meet with a neurologist and complete a series of screenings to see if you’re a candidate for DBS surgery when the time comes. Screenings may include ON time/OFF time testing, a neuropsychological evaluation, a general health screening, brain imaging, and routine lab work.

People with tremor experience an average of 70% reduction in tremor, depending on its type and location.¹

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Lead implantation surgery

If you’ve chosen DBS and you’re a good candidate for the surgery, the first step in the implantation process is to place “leads” in the brain. During surgery, your doctor may perform tests to ensure that the leads are positioned correctly by asking you to move your arms and legs, or make other simple movements. Expect to stay in the hospital at least overnight for monitoring.

DBS provides an additional 6 hours of "on time" without troublesome dyskinesias compared to medication alone, giving people more control and independence to live life without rigidity or freezing.³

Stimulator implantation

After lead implantation, you’ll undergo an outpatient procedure to implant your stimulator. This procedure generally requires anesthesia. Your doctor will implant the stimulator and connect it to your leads via the extension. The stimulator sends signals to a targeted portion of your brain, which may improve motor function and reduce symptoms such as temor, slowness, and rigidity.

1 year into treatment, patients experienced a 63% improvement in their motor function.⁴

Programming & optimization

Following your surgery and recovery, your DBS System will be turned on and customized to you. In them onths following implantation, you'll work closely with your care team, making adjustments and ensuring you are in the best control possible of your PD symptoms.

Marked improvements in motor function are sustained for at least 5 years.⁵

Man lifting weights

DBS is safe and effective

With any procedure or surgery, safety is your first concern. We understand. While there’s a risk with every procedure, DBS isn’t a new therapy and has been used as a normal part of PD treatment for many years. More than a quarter century of clinical trials and patient experiences have tested the safety and effectiveness of treating Parkinson’s disease with DBS.⁴’⁶ People like you are already experiencing the benefits of this life-changing treatment.

Hear from the expert

Dr. Jens Volkmann, MD, PhD, Chairman and Professor of Neurology at University Clinic of Wurzburg (Germany) and global thought leader in DBS, discusses the safety of Deep Brain Stimulation.

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Results from case studies are not necessarily predictive of results in other case studies. Results in other studies may vary.

Results from different clinical investigations are not directly comparable. Information provided for educational purposes only.

References:  1. Okun, Michael, and Pamela Zeilman. Parkinson’s Disease Deep Brain Stimulation a Practical Guide for Patients and Families. 2. Knoop et al. Bridging the gap in patient education for DBS surgery for Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s Disease. 2017. 2017: 1-6. 3. Vitek JL, Jain R, Chen L, et al. Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation with a multiple independent constant current-controlled device in Parkinson’s disease (INTREPID): a multicenter, double-blind, randomized, sham-controlled study. Lancet Neurol. 2020;19(6):491‐501. doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(20)30108-3 4. Weaver et al. Bilateral deep brain stimulation vs best medical therapy for patients with advanced Parkinson Disease: A randomized Controlled Trial. JAMA. 2009. 301: 63–73. 5. Krack et al. Five-year follow up of bilateral stimulation of the subthalmaic nucleus in advanced Parkinson’s disease. N Eng J Med. 2003. 349: 1925–1934. 6. Boston Scientific Patient Information Brochure A Brighter Future is Taking Shape: Treating Parkinson’s Disease with Deep Brain Stimulation. Copyright 2021.