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Electrophysiology / HeartLogic™ Heart Failure Diagnostic / Multi-Sensor Technology

Multi-Sensor Technology

HeartLogic is the first FDA-approved heart failure diagnostic that uses multiple sensors to track physiological trends and combine them into one composite index. When the index crosses over a configurable threshold, HeartLogic provides a proactive alert to the clinician via the LATITUDE™ NXT Remote Patient Management System. These powerful insights may give your patient’s care team more time to adjust treatment and get ahead of heart failure decompensation events.

HeartLogic Sensors

Icon of the HeartLogic Heart Sounds Sensor
Heart Sounds*
Reveals signs of elevated filling pressure and weakened ventricular contraction via S3 and S1 heart sounds, respectively.
Icon of the HeartLogic Thoracic Impedance Sensor
Thoracic Impedance
Measures impedance between electrodes on the RV lead and the pulse generator, which is indicative of fluid accumulation and pulmonary edema.
Icon of the HeartLogic Respiration Sensor
Monitors respiratory patterns associated with shortness of breath. In particular, it monitors respiratory rate and rapid shallow breathing via RSBI (rapid shallow breathing index), which is a ratio of respiratory rate (RR) to tidal volume.
Icon of the HeartLogic Heart Rate Sensor
Heart Rate
Monitors night heart rate, captured between midnight to 6 a.m., which for most patients is indicative of the resting heart rate.
Icon of the HeartLogic Activity Sensor
Shows the number of hours per day a patient is active and reflects the patient’s overall status and fatigue.

Additional Diagnostic Trends


Although the following diagnostic trends are not part of the HeartLogic algorithm, they can help clinicians understand the context of the HeartLogic alert.

Icon of the HeartLogic Sleep Incline Diagnostic Trend
Sleep Incline
Measures the angle between the patient’s torso and the horizontal plane during a sleep period specified by the patient.
Icon of the HeartLogic AT/AF Burden Diagnostic Trend
AT/AF Burden
Displays the total amount of time spent in an atrial tachy response (ATR) mode switch, in hours per day.
Icon of the HeartLogic V Therapy Diagnostic Trend
V Therapy
Provides an abbreviated summary of antitachycardia pacing (ATP) and shock therapy type delivered each day: ATP (dot) or shock (electrical shock sign).
Icon of the HeartLogic % LV Placed Diagnostic Trend
% LV Placed
Monitors the percentage of cardiac beats paced with a left ventricular (LV) lead per day.**
Icon of the HeartLogic Weight Diagnostic Trend
Displays daily patient weight data collected by an external weight scale via the LATITUDE™ NXT Remote Patient Management System.
Drawings of ICD and CRT-D Devices

Stay Up to Date

Sign up for periodic emails and receive a HeartLogic fact sheet to share with your patients’ care teams.


Physician Perspectives

Image of Jagmeet Singh, MD, PhD

Device Longevity

Image of RESONATE X4 CRT-D and RESONATE EL ICD from Boston Scientific

The Power to Do What Others Cannot

Clinically proven to have the industry’s longest battery life, devices powered with EnduraLife™ Battery Technology reduce the risk of infections and complications due to changeouts. Now, you’re empowered to enable HeartLogic without compromising device longevity.

Electrophysiologist Wearing a Surgical Mask and Scrubs


Your extraordinary talent. Our extraordinary technology. Explore the Boston Scientific CRT-Ds and ICDs that feature HeartLogic.


LATITUDE NXT™ Remote Patient Management System: Indications, Safety and Warnings

Resonate™ ICD: Indications, Safety and Warnings

Resonate™ CRT-D: Indications, Safety and Warnings



1. Boehmer JP, Hariharan R, Devecchi FG, et al. A Multisensor algorithm predicts heart failure events in patients with implanted devices: results from the MultiSENSE study. JACC Heart Fail. 2017 Mar;5(3):216-25.

2. CardioMEMS Champion HF Monitoring System PMA Amendment P100045, FDA and
.CardioMEMS Panel Package.

* Unique to Boston Scientific

** The trend is only available on CRT devices.
