Vercise™ Cartesia™ X and Vercise™ Cartesia™ HX Directional Leads

The first and only 16-contact directional leads. These leads offer the best in span, spacing and directionality.

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Level up your DBS outcomes

It’s time for a new standard in DBS

The first and only 16-contact directional leads. These leads offer the best in span, spacing and directionality.

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It’s about time

Why choose Vercise Cartesia X and Vercise Cartesia HX Directional Leads

Precise personalized therapy

The longer directional span and tight spacing allow for more precise targeting of the neural structures maximizing efficacy while avoiding side effect regions.

  • >200% increase in directional span compared to any other lead on the market1-3
  • 2.5x the directional contacts than any other lead on the market1-3


of patients experienced lasting Motor and Quality of Life improvements after being re-programmed using Image Guided Programming (n=31)5


of patients had an incremental improvement in PDQ-8 (Quality of Life)5


of patients had an incremental improvement of at least 5 points in UPDRS-III (Motor symptoms)5,6


of patients had incremental reductions in Levodopa equivalent daily dosage5 

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MRI conditional symbol.

The Vercise Genus™ DBS System, Vercise Genus Mixed System with Vercise™ M8 Adapter, Vercise Genus Mixed System with Vercise™ Adapter S8, Vercise Gevia™ DBS System, and Vercise™ DBS Lead-only system (before Stimulator is implanted) provide safe access to full-body MRI scans when used with specific components and the patient is exposed to the MRI environment under specific conditions defined in the supplemental manual ImageReady™ MRI Guidelines for Boston Scientific DBS Systems.

  1. Boston Scientific. (2024). Vercise™ Deep Brain Stimulation Systems Surgical Implant Manual.
  2. Medtronic. (2021). Medtronic Sensight™ Directional Lead Kit.
  3. Abbott. (2021).  Lead and Extensions Kits for Deep Brain Stimulation Systems.  Clinician’s Manual.
  4. Image Guided programming in PD patients enables a reduction in programming time compared with standard clinical based programming (p=39). Lange F, Et al. Reduced Programming Time and Strong Symptom Control Even in Chronic Course Through Imaging-Based DBS Programming. Front Neurol. 2021 Nov 8;12:785529. N=10
  5. Torres V, et al. Image-guided programming deep brain stimulation improves clinical outcomes in patients with Parkinson’s disease. NPJ Parkinsons Dis. 2024 Jan 27;10(1):29.
  6. Sánchez-Ferro Á, et al. Minimal Clinically Important Difference for UPDRS-III in Daily Practice. Mov Disord Clin Pract. 2018 Jun 26;5(4):448-450