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Ranger™ Drug-Coated Balloon
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Effortless deliverability.
Efficient drug transfer.
Exceptional outcomes.
For ease, durability and effectiveness, Ranger Drug-Coated Balloon (DCB) delivers like nothing else.

How it works

Boston Scientific's Ranger Drug-Coated Balloon is built on the physician preferred Sterling™ 0.014”/0.018” balloon platform with the lowest tip entry profile of any SFA DCB. For ease, durability and effectiveness, Ranger DCB delivers like nothing else.
Why choose Ranger
*Gongora et al. Comparative Drug-Coated Balloon Study. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2015
1. DRG Data, CY 2020, 0.018" PTA Balloons.
2. Boston Scientific Data on File. Ranger Catheter Competitive Testing Report, 92517674. Measurements taken from 6 x 120 devices for Ranger DCB, Lutonix™ 035 DCB, IN.PACT Admiral DCB and Stellarex™ 035 DCB. Lutonix 018 DCB measurements taken from 6 x 150 devices.
3. Boston Scientific Data on File. Ranger Catheter Competitive Testing Report, 92517674. Ranger diameters ≤6mm, testing done with Terumo GLIDESHEATH SLENDER™ 5F.4. COMPARE Clinical Trial 1-Year Results presented by Sabine Steiner, MD. LINC 2020. K-M Primary Patency = 88.4%. RANGER II SFA Pivotal Trial 1-Year Results presented by Marianne Brodmann. LINC 2020. K-M Primary Patency = 89.8%.
4. COMPARE Clinical Trial 1-Year Results presented by Sabine Steiner, MD. LINC 2020. K-M Primary Patency = 88.4%. RANGER II SFA Pivotal Trial 1-Year Results presented by Marianne Brodmann. LINC 2020. K-M Primary Patency = 89.8%.