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Thrombectomy Catheter

SmartClaw is an adjunctive thrombectomy device that is atraumatic to the vessel wall, but robust enough to clear organized thrombus.

Strong enough for clot.
Gentle enough for vessel walls.

In DVT cases, the nitinol basket can be deployed distal to the thrombus, expanded circumferentially to fully conform to the vessel wall atraumatically, and pull the thrombus back to the catheter with its unique weave.


Intuitive. Simple. Easy to use.

SmartClaw is engineered with an adjustable thumb slider that intuitively expands and collapses the basket with tactile feedback, a reinforced catheter, and radiopaque marker band.

Smartclaw handle.

Easy lock thumb slider

Smartclaw basket.

Tactile feedback

Smartclaw braid.

Reinforced catheter

Smartclaw marker.

Radiopaque marker band

One device. Multiple uses.

SmartClaw is compatible with several devices to aid thrombectomy by pulling, clearing, and anchoring clot.

SmartClaw basket and clot in vein with guidewire and arrow pointing down.


Pull thrombus into aspiration catheters for more efficient thrombectomy.

SmartClaw basket and clots in vein with guidewire and two arrow pointing down to the left.

Clear out stubborn wall-adherent thrombus, for more complete thrombectomy.

SmartClaw basket and smaller clots in vein with guidewire.

Anchor the basket and advance the thrombectomy catheter to clear thrombus.

Product details

Device profileOuside diameterWorking lengthGuidewire
8 FR minimum sheath requirement (due to basket profile)Actual catheter outside diameter is 5 FR145 cm.035-inch compatible maintain wire access
SmartClaw™ specifications


Maxiumum expanded diameter

FDO660-01 | 20mm

SmartClaw™ maximum expanded basket diameter of 20mm.

6-16 mm vessel diameter

Smaller basket has more radial force

FDO660-02 | 32mm

SmartClaw™ maximum expanded basket diameter of 32mm.

6-28 mm vessel diameter

Larger basket is comformable in a greater range of vessel sizes.

Ordering Information

ProductMaterial / REF numberGTIN
 SmartClaw Thrombectomy Catheter, 20 mmFD0660-0100191506050016
SmartClaw Thrombectomy Catheter, 32 mmFD0660-0200191506050023


