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SCS Surgical Tools

Fixate Tissue Band
Clik Anchor
Precision Spectra OMG Connector
OMG Connector
Fixate™ Suturing Device

Treating pain is complex.
Making it simple is our mission.

At Boston Scientific, we are dedicated to providing best-in-class solutions engineered to enhance OR efficiency.

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Product Details

Fixate™ Tissue Band

Bench test data shows that, on average, lead and catheter anchoring can be done in less than one minute. The FixateTissue Band is a semi-automatic suturing device that is designed to enable the quick, simple and secure placement of a suture around a lead or catheter anchor, thereby securing the lead or catheter to the tissue.
Indications for Use: The Fixate Suturing Device is intended to be an accessory to the leads/catheter component of Spinal Cord Stimulator/Pain Pump systems functioning to secure the lead to the fascia or inter-spinous/supra-spinous ligament. Contraindications, warnings, precautions, side effects. The device is intended for use only as indicated. Refer to the Instructions for Use provided with the Fixate Suturing Device for potential adverse effects, warnings, and precautions prior to using this product.

Clik™ Anchor

The latest advance in lead anchoring technology, the Clik Anchor is engineered for quick, simple, secure lead fixation. It locks to the lead with a simple turn of a hex wrench. The Clik Anchor is the perfect complement to Boston Scientific's unrivaled percutaneous lead portfolio. 

Precision Spectra™ OMG™ Connector

Switching to another drug when the first one fails to deliver the desired patient benefit is standard practice. Similarly, the OMG Connector enables physicians to try a different SCS therapy. Try our Illumina 3D™ programming algorithm with St. Jude or Medtronic trial systems to give your patients another option for success.

Refer to instructions for use for indications, contraindications, warnings, potential adverse effects, and precautions for the OMG™ Connector M and A and Precision Spectra™ OMG™. The OMG Connector and Precision Spectra OMG are for evaluation purposes only. They are an adjunct to, but not part of, the Precision System. Full trial of the Precision System should precede permanent implant.

The OMG Connector - M is compatible with the following Medtronic lead model numbers: 3487A, 3887, 3888, 3890, 3891, 3892, 3776, 3777, 3778, 3873, 3874, 3875, 3587A, 3986A, 3987A, 3982A, 3998, 3999. The Precision Spectra OMG is compatible with the previously listed Medtronic lead models in addition to these Medtronic lead models: 39286, 977A160, 977A175, 977A190, 977A260, 977A275, 977A290, 977D160, 977D260, 39565.

The OMG Connector - A is compatible with the following ANS/St. Jude lead model numbers: 3046, 3086, 4044, 4054, 3183, 3186, 3189, 3181, 3143, 3146, 3149, 3141, 3153, 3156, 3159, 3151, 4143, 4146, 4153, 4156, 3222, 3240, 3254, 3255, 3280, 3244, 3262, 3263, 3245, 3264, 3265, 3208, 3288, 3289. The Precision Spectra OMG is compatible with the previously listed ANS/St. Jude lead models in addition to these St. Jude lead models: 3210, 3214, 3219, 3283, 3286, 3268, 3269.

OMG Connector

The OMG Connector offers you and your patients the chance to evaluate the difference in pain relief between Precision Plus and competitive SCS systems.

Refer to instructions for use for indications, contraindications, warnings, potential adverse effects, and precautions for the OMG™ Connector. The OMG Connector is for evaluation purposes only. It is an adjunct to, but not part of, the Precision System. Full trial of the Precision System should precede permanent implant. The OMG Connector - M is compatible with the following Medtronic lead model numbers: 3487A, 3887, 3888, 3890, 3891, 3892, 3776, 3777, 3778, 3873, 3874, 3875, 3587A, 3986A, 3987A, 3982A, 3998, 3999. The OMG Connector - A is compatible with the following ANS lead model numbers: 3046, 3086, 4044, 4054, 3183, 3186, 3189, 3181, 3143, 3146, 3149, 3141, 3153, 3156, 3159, 3151, 4143, 4146, 4153, 4156, 3222, 3240, 3254, 3255, 3280, 3244, 3262, 3263, 3245, 3264, 3265, 3208, 3288, 3289.

Refer to instructions for use for indications, contraindications, warnings, potential adverse effects, and precautions for the OMG™ Connector M and A and Precision Spectra™ OMG™. The OMG Connector and Precision Spectra OMG are for evaluation purposes only. They are an adjunct to, but not part of, the Precision System. Full trial of the Precision System should precede permanent implant. The OMG Connector - M is compatible with the following Medtronic lead model numbers: 3487A, 3887, 3888, 3890, 3891, 3892, 3776, 3777, 3778, 3873, 3874, 3875, 3587A, 3986A, 3987A, 3982A, 3998, 3999. The Precision Spectra OMG is compatible with the previously listed Medtronic lead models in addition to these Medtronic lead models: 39286, 977A160, 977A175, 977A190, 977A260, 977A275, 977A290, 977D160, 977D260, 39565.The OMG Connector - A is compatible with the following ANS/St. Jude lead model numbers: 3046, 3086, 4044, 4054, 3183, 3186, 3189, 3181, 3143, 3146, 3149, 3141, 3153, 3156, 3159, 3151, 4143, 4146, 4153, 4156, 3222, 3240, 3254, 3255, 3280, 3244, 3262, 3263, 3245, 3264, 3265, 3208, 3288, 3289. The Precision Spectra OMG is compatible with the previously listed ANS/St. Jude lead models in addition to these St. Jude lead models: 3210, 3214, 3219, 3283, 3286, 3268, 3269.

