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SCS Competitive Adapters & Connectors

Precision S8 Adapter
Precision M8 Adapter
NEVRO FDA On-Label Direct Connection
Clinical programmer with Boston Scientific IPGs
Connect compatible Abbott leads to Boston Scientific technology
Connect compatible Medtronic leads to Boston Scientific technology
Connect compatible Nevro leads directly to any Boston Scientific IPG
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Connect to Innovation
Connect Abbott/St. Jude, Medtronic and Nevro leads to Boston Scientific technology, giving your patients access to paresthesia and paresthesia-free therapies simultaneously.

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Product Details

Connect compatible Abbott/St. Jude leads to Boston Scientific technology. The Boston Scientific Precision S8 Adapter is compatible with the following Abbott leads and lead extensions:

  • 3283/3286/3268/3269 Lamitrode™ S8
  • 3280 Lamitrode 8
  • 3244/3262/3263 Lamitrode 44
  • 3245/3264/3265 Lamitrode 44C
  • 3208 Lamitrode Tripole™ 8
  • 3210 Lamitrode Tripole 8C
  • 3288 Lamitrode 88
  • 3289 Lamitrode 88C
  • 3214 Lamitrode Tripole 16C
  • 3219 Lamitrode Tripole 16
  • 3228 Penta™
  • 3183/3186/3189/3191 Octrode™
  • 3086 Octrode Trial Lead Kit
  • 3219 Lamitrode Tripole 16
  • 2283 8-channel Adapter
  • 3341/3342/3343/3346 Dual 4 Extension
  • 3382/3383/3386 Single 8 Extension

Connect compatible Medtronic leads to Boston Scientific Technology. The Boston Scientific Precision M8 Adapter is compatible with the following Medtronic leads and lead extensions:

  • Specify™ 2x8 Model 39286
  • Specify 5-6-5 Model 39565
  • 1x8 Compact Model 3778, 3878
  • 1x8 Standard Model 3777, 3877
  • 1x8 Sub-Compact Model 3776, 3876
  • Test: 1x8 Compact Model 3874
  • Test: 1x8 Standard Model 3873
  • Test: 1x8 Sub-Compact Model 3875
  • Model 37081 Extension
  • Model 37083 Extension
  • Model 37082 Extension
  • Vectris™ SureScan® MRI 1x8 Subcompact Model 977A160, 977A175, 977A190
  • Vectris SureScan MRI 1x8 Compact Model 977A260, 977A275, 977A290
  • Vectris SureScan MRI Trial Leads Model 977D160, 977D260

Connect compatible Nevro leads directly to any Boston Scientific IPG: The Boston Scientific Direct Connection is compatible with the following Nevro leads and lead extensions:

  • Blue Lead Extension Kit Model LEAD2008-25B, LEAD2008-35B, LEAD2008-60B
  • Blue Lead Kit Model LEAD1058-30B, LEAD1058-50B, LEAD1058-70B, LEAD1058-90B
  • Trial Lead Kit Model TLEAD1058-50B, TLEAD1058-70B, TLEAD1058-90B


*The Precision Montage™ MRI SCS System provides safe access to full-body MRI scans when used with specific components and exposed to the MRI environment under the defined conditions in the ImageReady MRI Full Body Guidelines for Precision Montage MRI Spinal Cord Stimulator System.

Sub-perception stimulation has been demonstrated to be safe and effective in patients who have been treated successfully with conventional, paresthesia-inducing stimulation for at least six months. Full stimulation parameter ranges and options for both paresthesia-based and sub-perception therapy are available for clinician’s use throughout the patient’s experience and treatment with SCS.

US Indications for Use:

The Boston Scientific Spinal Cord Stimulator Systems are indicated as an aid in the management of chronic intractable pain of the trunk and/or limbs including unilateral or bilateral pain associated with the following: failed back surgery syndrome, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Types I and II, intractable low back pain and leg pain. Associated conditions and etiologies may be: radicular pain syndrome, radiculopathies resulting in pain secondary to failed back syndrome or herniated disc, epidural fibrosis, degenerative disc disease (herniated disc pain refractory to conservative and surgical interventions), arachnoiditis, multiple back surgeries. Contraindications, warnings, precautions, side effects. The SCS Systems are contraindicated for patients who: are unable to operate the SCS System, have failed trial stimulation by failing to receive effective pain relief, are poor surgical risks, or are pregnant. Refer to the Instructions for Use provided with the SCS System or for potential adverse effects, warnings, and precautions prior to using this product. Caution: U.S. Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.

Refer to the Precision M8 Adapter Directions for Use for indications, warnings and cautions. The Precision M8 Adapter is compatible with the following Medtronic lead and extension model numbers: 39286, 39565, 3778, 3777, 3776, 3876, 3874, 3873, 3875, 37081, 37083, 37082, 977A175, 977A190, 977A260, 977A275, 977A290, 977D160, 977D260.

Refer to the “Precision™ S8 Adapter Directions for Use” for indications, warnings and cautions. The Precision™ S8 Adapter is compatible with the following St Jude Lead, Adapter and Extension model numbers: 3283, 3268, 3269, 3280, 3244, 3262, 3263, 3245, 3264, 3265, 3208, 3210, 3288, 3289, 3214, 3219, 3228, 3183, 3186, 3189, 3191, 3086, 3219, 2283, 3341, 3342, 3343, 3346, 3382, 3383, 3386.
