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Boston Scientific's most advanced pacemakers are now MR-conditional.

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  • ACCOLADE™ and ESSENTIO™ Pacemakers

    ACCOLADE and ESSENTIO offer RightRateTM Respiration-Based Pacing and Automatic Daily Monitoring to improve patient compliance.

    1. Electrophysiology
  • ACCOLADE™ MRI and ESSENTIO™ MRI Pacemakers

    Boston Scientific's most advanced pacemakers are now MR-conditional. ACCOLADE MRI and ESSENTIO MRI models can be used as part of the ImageReady™ MR-Conditional Pacing System for safe and effective scanning in 1.5T and 3T MRI environments when MRI Conditions of Use are met.1

    1. Electrophysiology
  • INGENIO™ and ADVANTIO™ Pacemakers

    The INGENIO and ADVANTIO pacemakers from Boston Scientific define a new era in pacing. Both leverage key aspects of our innovative high-voltage platform and incorporate new features, therapies and diagnostic options.

    1. Electrophysiology
  • VITALIO™ Pacemaker

    VITALIO lets the heart take the lead, intervening only when appropriate. With features including respiration-based pacing for rate response, wireless connectivity and automaticity in both chambers – the VITALIO pacemaker lets your patients get back to what’s important in life.

    1. Electrophysiology