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Obtryx™ II

Transobturator Mid-Urethral Sling System with PrecisionBlue™ Design

Obtryx II Sling System beauty shot.
Obtryx II device tools.
Dilator legs visual.
Centering tab on mesh.
Obtryx II Sling System

Transobturator sling with enhanced features that are designed to provide smooth sling placement, intra-operative adjustability designed for minimal tissue disruption, and increased physician visualization that aids in precise sling placement.

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Product Details

Obtryx II device tools.

Needle Design

  • Needle tip length is designed to facilitate transobturator device passage.
  • Two needle configurations, halo and curved, allow physicians to choose the needle that meets their preference.

Association Loop

  • Designed to facilitate needle engagement and removal.

Dilator Legs

  • Designed to create a small delivery track due to thin leg size.
  • Provides smooth delivery of the sling through the anatomy designed for minimal tissue disruption.

Sub-Urethral Segment

  • No sleeve coverage under the sub-urethral segment to allow for visibility and to aid in precise placement.

Centering Tab

  • Blue centering tab identifies the center of the mesh and provides for equal distribution of mesh on each side of the urethra.
  • The centering tab provides the ability to visualize tensioning and centering during positioning and sleeve removal steps.

Blue Advantage™ Mesh

Detanged Polypropylene Material

A de-tanged suburethral portion designed to maintain its integrity during tensioning and potentially reduce irritation to the urethral wall.

Ordering Information

Order NumberUPNDescriptionQuantity
850411M0068504110Obtryx II SystemSingle Unit
850511M0068505110Obtryx II SystemSingle Unit

Each System includes Two (2) Delivery Devices and One (1) Mesh Assembly




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