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Swiss LithoClast® Trilogy


Trilogy screen interface
Trilogy full unit
Trilogy back view
Trilogy lithotripter
Trilogy Interface Screen

Intuitive User Experience

Centralized controls with touchscreen interface designed for an intuitive user experience to customize energy and suction settings.
Trilogy Handle

Enhanced Versatility

An ergonomical pistol-grip handpiece designed for prone, supine and split-leg positioning.
Stone collector

Seamless Stone Collection

A proprietary suction tubing and stone collection system designed for seamless collection of stone fragments for analysis.
Intelligent by design - RFID tags in the probe and  handpiece store the component's  product and usage information.  System automatically regulates  maximum energy and suction  settings for each probe. Diagnose and solve common  errors through built-in diagnostic  and troubleshooting tools. Track ultrasound performance  with an ultrasound efficiency  meter during the procedure.