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Max Biopsy Forceps

SpyBite Max in Scope image
Close-up of SpyBite Max forceps
Endoscopic Image- (placement detailed under Physician and Patient Recourses)
Brochure Preview
SpyGlass™ DS II Direct Visualization System with SpyBite Max Biopsy Forceps accessory.

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A design enhancement to the legacy, SpyBite Max Biopsy Forceps has been shown to acquire more than 2X tissue in an average bite*.

Performing biopsies under direct visualization using the SpyGlass™ System and SpyBite Biopsy Forceps (86% sensitivity) enables faster, more accurate diagnosis of malignancies ¹ .


Product Details

Graphic of 97% Tissue Acquisition Rate

97% Tissue Acquisition Rate*

Higher tissue acquisition rate can enable more efficient procedures

Graphic of 89% of Physicians acquired more tissue

89% of Physicians*

Stated SpyBite Max acquired more tissue on an average bite than SpyBite

Graphic of 88% of Physicians were more confident in acquiring tissue from challenging scope positions

88% of Physicians*

Were more confident in their ability to acquire tissue from challenging scope positions


Ordering Information

SpyBite™ Max Biopsy Forceps 
Order NumberProduct DescriptionCable Diameter (in/mm)Jaw Outer Diameter (mm)Working Length (cm)Required Endoscope Working Channel (mm)
M00546470SpyBite™ Max Biopsy Forceps 

0.039 / 1.0




Physician & Patient Resources


Indications, Safety, and Warnings
