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FFR & IVUS Systems

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  • AVVIGO™ + Multi-Modality Guidance System


    Looking for an intuitive, easy-to-use system to perform intravascular imaging and physiology procedures?

    AVVIGO+ Multi-Modality Guidance System is a leap forward in PCI Guidance Technology.

    1. Interventional Cardiology
  • COMET™ II Pressure Guidewire

    COMET II Pressure Guidewire is the next generation, true workhorse pressure guidewire from Boston Scientific designed with Asahi technology. It features exceptional deliverability and accuracy for optimal performance to diagnose and treat.

    1. Interventional Cardiology
  • OPTICROSS™ 18 Peripheral Imaging Catheter

    The OptiCross 18 IVUS catheter delivers confidence to guide complex lesions. The best in class deliverability enables crossing challenging lesions while providing exceptional image quality.

    1. Interventional Cardiology
    2. Vascular Surgery
    3. Interventional Radiology
  • OPTICROSS™ 35 Peripheral Imaging Catheter

    The OptiCross 35 peripheral imaging catheter is the latest addition to Boston Scientific’s IVUS portfolio. The catheter’s unique design provides exceptional image quality leading to more confident detection and treatment of venous disease.

    1. Interventional Cardiology
    2. Vascular Surgery
    3. Interventional Radiology
  • OPTICROSS™ HD, 6 HD 60MHz Coronary Imaging Catheters

    High Definition, Clear Results
    Set a new standard for image quality and deliverability with the OPTICROSS HD 60 MHz Coronary Imaging Catheters.

    1. Interventional Cardiology
  • POLARIS Multi-Modality Guidance System

    Navigate to better outcomes with the POLARIS Mutli-Modality Guidance System. Use a single system to inform treatment decisions with coronary physiology (FFR, DFRTM and Pd/Pa) and high-definition IVUS.

    1. Interventional Cardiology