
TAVR Device Support

Visit Boston Scientific’s page for everything you need to know about recovering from Severe Aortic Stenosis, including post-recovery guidelines, how it works, and living a heart healthy life.

If you or a loved one are considering Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR), please visit our pre-procedure website for more information. 

You might be interested in:


Understand how the TAVR procedure restores proper function to your aortic valve

Understand how the TAVR procedure restores proper function to your aortic valve.


Learn what to expect from your recovery process

On the way to wellness.

Frequently asked questions

Couple laughing on a walk

Peace of mind with TAVR

Up to 1.5 million people in the United States suffer from aortic stenosis.1 Patients suffering from aortic stenosis may consider TAVR, a less invasive procedure that does not require open heart surgery. 

Three doctors in blue Boston Scientific scrubs

The Boston Scientific Difference

At Boston Scientific, we have a long history of creating trusted implants and devices to make life easier for people living with heart conditions, chronic pain, cancer, and more —always with safety as a top priority.

Resources and support

Information about the LOTUSEdge™ Aortic Valve

While we are pleased with the benefits of all of our coronary devices, there has recently been a global, voluntary recall of the LOTUS Edge™ Aortic Valve. This voluntary recall is related solely to the complexities of the delivery system and not to the implanted valve. At this time, there are no known safety concerns for patients.

We’re here to help

Our patient services team is here to support you throughout your journey.

Available 6 am to 5 pm PT, Monday through Friday

View Product Labeling and Indications 

