Clinical summary

A Pooled Long-Term Follow-up After Radiotherapy for Prostate​ Cancer with and without a Rectal Hydrogel Spacer: Impact of​ Hydrogel on Decline in Sexual Quality of Life​

Zachary A. Seymour,1 Michael Pinkawa,2 Stephanie Daignault-Newton,3 Walter Bosch,4 Michalski Jeff,4 Hiram Gay,4 Daniel Hamstra5

1. Beaumont Hospital, United States
2. RWTH Aachen University, Germany
3. Michigan Medicine, University of Michigan, United States
4. Barnes-Jewish Hospital, United States
5. Baylor College of Medicine, United States


The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of rectal spacers on sexual quality of life (QOL) following external beam radiation therapy (RT). Patients were pooled from two sources: a randomized controlled trial and a non-randomized cohort of patients from a single institution.

This pooled analysis demonstrated utilization of a hydrogel spacer was associated with better sexual QOL, less men with measurable declines in sexual QOL, and higher rates of adequate erectile function after prostate RT.


Analysis of this study was limited to patients with good baseline pretreatment sexual QOL (EPIC >/=60), evaluating the differences in QOL summary score and individual items compared to baseline and between treatment arms. 128 men had good baseline sexual function and were evaluated (64% with spacers and 36% without) with QOL data available for a median of 33 months. The outcome demonstrated that men without SpaceOAR™ Hydrogel were more likely to have a decline in sexual function and sexual summary score. Seven of 13 QOL items were statistically superior with hydrogel compared to 0 items statistically superior for control. This study showed that the benefit of rectal spacing was maintained with a higher likelihood of preservation of erections sufficient for intercourse in patients treated with hydrogel.

This pooled analysis demonstrated utilization of a hydrogel spacer was associated with better sexual QOL, less men with measurable declines in sexual QOL, and higher rates of adequate erectile function after prostate RT.

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